Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
42nd Parallel |
Dos Passos |
088.3 |
1 |
A |
Absalom, Absalom! |
Faulkner |
271.1, 271.2 |
2 |
Act One |
Hart M. |
329.1 |
1 |
Adventures of Augie March |
Bellow |
362.1 |
1 |
Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan |
Morier |
289.1 |
1 |
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |
Doyle |
206.2 |
2 |
Affairs of Anatol |
Schnitzler |
032.1 |
5 |
African Queen |
Forester |
102.3 |
1 |
Against the Grain |
Huysmans |
183.1 |
1 + 1 pb |
Age of Innocence |
Wharton |
229.1 |
1 |
Age of Reason |
Sartre |
335.1 |
1 |
Ah, Wilderness and Two Other Plays |
O'Neill |
342.1 |
1 |
Alice in Wonderland etc |
Carroll |
079.1 |
4 + 2 illus |
All the King's Men |
Warren |
170.2 |
1 |
Amenities of Book Collecting |
Newton |
164.2 |
1 |
American Poetry 1671 - 1928 |
Misc |
101.2 |
3 |
An Ideal Husband/Woman of No Importance |
Wilde |
084.1 |
4 |
An Unsocial Socialist |
Shaw G.B. |
015.1 |
4 |
Ancient Man |
Van Loon |
105.1 |
5 |
Ann Veronica |
Wells |
027.1 |
4 |
Anna Karenina |
Tolstoy |
037.2, 037.3, 037.4 |
2 |
Anthology of American Negro Literature |
Misc |
163.1, 163.2 |
3 |
Anthology of Irish Literature |
Misc |
288.1 |
2 |
Anthology of Light Verse |
Misc |
048.2 |
2 |
Anthology of Medieval Lyrics |
Misc |
330.1 |
1 |
Antic Hay |
Huxley |
209.1 |
2 |
Aphrodite |
Louys |
077.2 |
3 |
Apocrypha |
Misc |
326.1 |
1 + 1 pb |
Apologia Pro Vita Sua |
Newman |
113.3 |
1 |
Appointment In Samarra |
O'Hara |
042.3 |
2 |
Arabian Nights |
Burton |
201.1 |
2 |
Arrowsmith |
Lewis |
042.2, 042.2a |
2 |
Art of Aubrey Beardsley |
Beardsley |
042.1 |
4 |
Art of Rodin |
Rodin |
041.1 |
4 |
Art of Whistler |
Pennell E/J |
150.1 |
2 |
As I lay Dying |
Faulkner |
378.1 |
1 |
Autobiography |
Cellini |
003.2, 150.3 |
6 |
Autobiography |
Franklin |
039.2, 039.3, 039.4 |
3 + 3 illus |
¶ Awakening &
Selected Stories |
Chopin |
n/a |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
B |
Babbitt |
Lewis |
162.2 |
1 |
Barchester Towers & The Warden |
Trollope |
041.2, 041.3 |
2 |
Barren Ground |
Glasgow |
025.3 |
2 |
Basic Works |
Cicero |
272.1 |
1 |
Basic Writings |
Jung |
300.1 |
2 |
Bed of Roses |
George W. |
075.1 |
6 |
Belfry |
Sinclair |
068.1 |
1 |
Bell for Adano |
Hersey |
016.3 |
1 |
Ben Hur |
Wallace |
139.2 |
1 |
Bertha Garlan |
Schnitzler |
039.1 |
4 |
Best American Humorous Short Stories |
Misc |
087.1, 087.2 |
6 |
Best Ghost Stories |
Misc |
073.1 |
4 |
Best of Perelman |
Perelman |
247.1 |
1 |
Best Plays |
Chekhov |
171.2 |
2 |
Best Russian Short Stories |
Misc |
018.1, 018.2, 018.3 |
5 |
Best Short Stories |
Dostoevsky |
293.1 |
1 |
Best Short Stories |
Harte |
250.1 |
1 |
Best Short Stories |
Henry |
004.3, 026.3 |
1 |
Best Short Stories |
Maugham |
014.2 |
2 |
Best Stories |
Maupassant |
098.3, 098.4 |
3 |
Best Tales |
Poe |
082.1 |
3 |
Beyond Good and Evil |
Nietzsche |
020.1 |
2 |
Beyond Life |
Cabell |
025.2 |
3 |
Black Narcissus |
Godden |
256.1 |
1 |
¶ Book of Daniel |
Doctorow |
n/a |
1 |
Book of Wonder |
Dunsany |
043.1 |
1 |
Bostonians |
James H. |
016.4 |
1 |
Brave New World |
Huxley |
048.3 |
1 |
Brothers Karamazov |
Dostoyevsky |
151.1, 151.2 |
5 + 3 illus |
Buddhist Tradition |
Misc |
205.2 |
1 |
Buddenbrooks |
Mann |
057.3 |
1 |
Bull From the Sea |
Renault |
386.1 |
1 |
Butterfield 8 |
O'Hara |
323.1 |
1 + 1 pb |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
C |
Cabala |
Wilder |
155.1 |
5 |
Cabin |
Ibanez |
069.1 |
2 |
Cakes and Ale |
Maugham |
270.1 |
1 |
Camille |
Dumas |
069.2 |
4 |
Candide |
Voltaire |
047.1, 047.2 |
6 |
Candide and Other Writings |
Voltaire |
047.3 |
1 |
Canterbury Tales |
Chaucer |
161.1, 161.2 |
2 |
Capital and Other writings |
Marx |
202.1 |
5 |
Captive |
Proust |
120.3 |
1 |
Cass Timberlane |
Lewis |
221.2 |
2 |
Castle |
Kafka |
388.1 |
1 |
Casuals of the Sea |
McFee |
195.1 |
2 |
Catch-22 |
Heller |
375.1 |
2 |
Catcher in the Rye |
Salinger |
090.2 |
1 |
Charterhouse of Parma |
Stendhal |
150.2 |
2 |
Child of Pleasure |
D'Annunzio |
098.1 |
2 |
Cities of the Plain |
Proust |
220.1 |
1 |
Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy |
Burckhardt |
032.4 |
1 |
Clarissa |
Richardson S. |
010.3 |
2 |
Clockwork Orange/Honey for the Bears |
Burgess |
191.4 |
1 |
Cloister and the Hearth |
Reade |
062.2 |
2 |
Collected Poetry |
Parker |
237.1 |
2 |
Collected Short Stories |
Lardner |
211.2 |
2 |
Collected Stories |
Parker |
123.4 |
1 |
Collected Tales |
Forster |
385.1 |
1 |
Comedies (One Volume) |
Shakespeare |
002.4 |
2 + 1 illus |
Comedies Vol I |
Shakespeare |
002.5, 004.5 |
1 |
Comedies Vol II |
Shakespeare |
002.6a, 005.4 |
1 |
Coming of Age in Samoa |
Mead |
126.4 |
1 |
Compleat Angler |
Walton |
026.2 |
2 |
Complete Essays and Other Writings |
Emerson |
091.2, 091.3 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol I |
Aeschylus |
310.1 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol II |
Aeschylus |
311.1 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol III |
Sophocles |
312.1 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol IV |
Sophocles |
313.1 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol V |
Euripides |
314.1 |
1 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol VI |
Euripides |
315.1 |
2 |
Complete Greek Tragedies Vol VII |
Euripides |
316.1 |
2 |
Complete Plays Vol I |
Racine |
390.1 |
1 |
Complete Plays Vol II |
Racine |
391.1 |
1 |
Complete Poems |
Thompson |
038.2 |
1 |
Complete Poems and Selected Letters |
Michelangelo |
359.1 |
1 |
Complete Poetical Works |
Thompson |
038.1 |
5 |
Complete Poetry |
Hoffenstein |
225.2 |
1 |
Complete Poetry and Selected Prose |
Donne |
012.3 |
2 |
Complete Poetry and Selected Prose |
Milton |
132.2, 132.3 |
2 |
Complete Poetry & Selected Prose |
Keats |
273.1 |
1 |
Complete Works |
Horace |
141.2 |
3 |
Complete Works |
Tacitus |
222.1 |
1 |
Complete Writings |
Thucydides |
058.2, 058.3 |
2 |
Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry |
Misc |
101.3 |
2 |
Confessions |
Augustine |
263.1 |
2 |
Confessions |
Rousseau |
243.1 |
1 |
Confessions of a Young Man |
Moore |
016.1 |
5 |
Confessions of Felix Krull |
Mann |
360.1 |
1 |
Confessions of Nat Turner |
Styron |
396.1 |
1 |
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court |
Twain |
162.3 |
1 |
Consolation of Philosophy |
Boethius, etc. |
226.1 |
1 |
Contemporary Science |
Misc |
099.1 |
1 |
Counterfeiters |
Gide |
187.1 |
2 |
Counterfeiters & the Journal |
Gide |
327.1 |
2 |
Cousin Bette |
Balzac |
299.1 |
1 |
Cream of the Jest |
Cabell |
126.1 |
2 |
Creative Evolution |
Bergson |
231.1 |
3 |
Creatures That Once Were Men |
Gorky |
048.1 |
3 |
Crime and Punishment |
Dostoyevsky |
199.1, 199.2 |
4 + 3 illus + 1 pb |
Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard |
France |
022.1, 022.2 |
6 |
Critique of Pure Reason |
Kant |
297.1 |
1 |
Cyrano de Bergerac |
Rostand |
154.1 |
5 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
D |
Daisy Miller/An International Episode |
James H. |
063.1 |
3 |
Dame Care |
Sudermann |
033.1 |
6 |
Dance of Life |
Ellis |
160.1 |
2 |
Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze |
Saroyan |
092.3 |
1 |
Darkness at Noon |
Koestler |
074.3 |
2 |
David Copperfield |
Dickens |
110.2, 110.3 |
2 |
De Profundis |
Wilde |
117.1 |
2 |
Dead Souls |
Gogol |
040.2, 040.3 |
4 |
Death Be Not Proud |
Gunther |
286.1 |
2 |
Death Comes for the Archbishop |
Cather |
191.1 |
1 |
Death & Life of the Great American Cities |
Jacobs |
393.1 |
1 |
Death of Ivan Ilyitch |
Tolstoy |
064.1 |
4 |
Death of the Gods |
Merejkowski |
153.1 |
2 |
¶ Death of the Heart |
Bowen |
n/a |
1 |
Decameron |
Boccaccio |
071.3, 071.4 |
3 |
Deepening Stream |
Canfield |
200.2 |
1 |
Diana of the Crossways |
Meredith |
014.1 |
5 |
Diary of a Young Girl |
Frank |
298.1 |
1 |
Dictionary: A Modern Selection |
Johnson |
355.1 |
1 |
Disraeli |
Maurois |
046.2 |
1 |
Divine Comedy |
Dante |
208.1, 208.2 |
3 + 2 illus + 1 pb |
Doctor Faustus |
Mann |
365.1 |
2 |
Dodsworth |
Lewis |
252.1 |
2 |
Doll's House/Ghosts/Enemy of the People |
Ibsen |
006.1 |
4 |
Doll's House/Ghosts/Enemy of the People/Borkman |
Ibsen |
006.2 |
2 |
Doll's House/Ghosts/Enemy of the People/Master Builder |
Ibsen |
006.3, 006.4 |
1 |
Don Juan |
Byron |
024.3 |
1 |
Don Quixote |
Cervantes |
174.1, 174.2, 174.3 |
5 + 1 illus |
Dracula |
Stoker |
031.2 |
3 |
Drama of the English Renaissance |
Misc |
392.1 |
1 |
Dreamer's Tales & Other Stories |
Dunsany |
034.1 |
3 |
Droll Stories |
Balzac |
193.1 |
3 |
Dubliners |
Joyce |
124.1, 124.2 |
6 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
E |
Ecce Homo and The Birth of Tragedy |
Nietzsche |
068.2 |
2 |
Education of Henry Adams |
Adams |
076.2 |
3 |
Ego And His Own |
Stirner |
049.1 |
1 |
Egoist |
Meredith |
253.1, 253.2 |
2 |
Eight Famous Elizabethan Plays |
Misc |
094.2 |
2 |
Eight Plays |
Moliere |
078.3 |
1 |
Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age |
Misc |
345.1 |
1 |
Eighteenth Century Plays |
Misc |
224.1, 224.3 |
2 |
Eminent Victorians |
Strachey |
212.1 |
2 |
Emperor Jones/The Straw |
O'Neill |
146.1 |
4 |
Emperor Jones/Anna Christie/Hairy Ape |
O'Neill |
146.2 |
4 |
Enormous Room |
Cummings |
214.1, 214.2 |
3 |
Erewhon and Erewhon Revisited |
Butler |
136.2 |
2 |
Erewhon OR Over The Range |
Butler |
136.1 |
1 |
Erik Dorn |
Hecht |
029.1 |
3 |
Eustace Diamonds |
Trollope |
251.1 |
1 |
Evolution in Modern Thought |
Misc |
037.1 |
4 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
F |
Fable |
Faulkner |
368.1 |
1 |
Fairy Tales and Poems in Prose |
Wilde |
061.1 |
3 |
Fall/Exile and the Kingdom |
Camus |
352.1 |
1 |
Famous Ghost Stories |
Misc |
073.2 |
2 + 1 illus + 2 pb |
Farewell My Lovely/Lady in the Lake |
Chandler |
377.1 |
1 |
Farewell To Arms |
Hemingway |
019.2 |
2 |
Fathers and Sons |
Turgenev |
021.1, 021.2, 021.3 |
5 |
Faust |
Goethe |
177.1, 177.2 |
3 |
Federalist |
Misc |
139.3, 139.4 |
2 |
Five Great Modern Irish Plays |
Misc |
030.3 |
1 |
Flame of Life |
D'Annunzio |
065.1 |
3 |
Flowering Judas |
Porter |
088.4, 284.1 |
3 |
Fortitude |
Walpole |
178.1 |
2 |
Four Contemporary French Plays |
Misc |
090.3 |
1 |
Four Famous Greek Plays |
Misc |
158.1 |
2 |
Four Plays |
Hellman |
223.1 |
1 |
Four Plays |
Shaw G.B. |
019.3 |
1 |
Fourteen Great Detective Stories |
Misc |
144.1, 144.2 |
4 |
¶ Frankenstein |
Shelly M. |
n/a |
1 |
Free and Other Stories |
Dreiser |
050.3 |
4 |
Froissart's Chronicles |
Froissart |
387.1 |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
G |
Gallic War and Other Writings |
Caesar |
295.1 |
1 |
Garden Party |
Mansfield |
129.2 |
2 |
Gargantua and Pantagruel |
Rabelais |
004.2 |
3 |
Genealogy of Morals |
Nietzsche |
062.1 |
3 |
Ghosts/Doll's House/Enemy of the People/Borkman |
Ibsen |
006.2 |
2 |
Go Down Moses |
Faulkner |
175.4 |
2 |
God's Little Acre |
Caldwell |
051.2, 051.3 |
3 |
Golden Ass |
Apuleius |
088.2 |
1 |
Golden Treasury |
Palgrave |
232.1 |
1 |
Good Earth |
Buck |
002.3, 015.3 |
2 |
Goodbye, Columbus |
Roth |
374.1 |
2 |
Grapes of Wrath |
Steinbeck |
148.3 |
1 |
Great Gatsby |
Fitzgerald |
117.2 |
2 |
Great German Short Novels and Stories |
Misc |
108.2, 108.3 |
4 |
Great Modern Short Stories |
Misc |
168.1, 168.2 |
6 + 1 pb |
Great Spanish Stories |
Misc |
129.3 |
1 |
Great Tales of the American West |
Misc |
238.1 |
2 |
Greek Commonwealth |
Zimmern |
207.2 |
1 |
Greek Poets |
Misc |
203.2 |
1 |
Greek Way |
Hamilton |
320.1 |
1 |
Green Mansions |
Hudson |
089.1, 089.2 |
7 + 3 illus |
Growth of the Soil |
Hamsun |
012.2 |
2 |
Guermantes Way |
Proust |
213.1 |
2 |
Gulliver's Travels & Other Writings |
Swift |
100.4 |
1 |
Gulliver's Travels/Tale of the Tub/Battle of the Books |
Swift |
100.2, 100.3 |
4 (3 list only Gulliver's Travels on DJ) + 1 pb (lists all 3 titles) |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
H |
Hazard of New Fortunes |
Howells |
025.1 |
1 |
Hear, Ye Sons |
Fineman |
130.2 |
1 |
Hellenistic Philosophy |
Misc |
356.1 |
1 |
Henry Esmond |
Thackeray |
080.2, 080.3 |
2 |
Heretic of Soana |
Hauptmann |
149.1 |
1 |
High Wind in Jamaica |
Hughes |
112.2 |
2 |
Hindu Tradition |
Misc |
364.1 |
1 |
Hiroshima |
Hersey |
328.1 |
1 |
His Prose and Poetry |
Baudelaire |
070.1 |
2 |
Histories and Poems (One Volume) |
Shakespeare |
003.3 |
2 |
Histories Vol I |
Shakespeare |
003.4, 006.6 |
1 |
Histories and Poems Vol II |
Shakespeare |
003.5a, 007.3 |
1 |
History of the Borgias |
Corvo |
192.1 |
2 |
HMS Pinafore and Other Plays |
Gilbert |
113.1 |
3 |
Holy Bible (Illustrated) |
Misc |
- |
1 |
House with Green Shutters |
Brown |
129.1 |
2 |
Human Being |
Morley |
074.2 |
1 |
Human Nature and Conduct |
Dewey |
173.1, 173.2 |
3 |
Humphry Clinker |
Smollett |
159.1 |
4 |
Hunchback of Notre Dame |
Hugo |
035.3 |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
I |
I Can Get It For You Wholesale |
Weidman |
225.3 |
1 |
I, Claudius |
Graves |
020.2 |
1 |
Iliad |
Homer |
166.1, 166.2, 166.3 |
4 |
¶ Immoralist |
Gide |
n/a |
1 |
Imperial Hearst |
Lundberg |
081.2 |
1 |
Imperial Orgy |
Saltus |
139.1 |
1 |
In a Winter City |
Ouida |
024.1 |
1 |
In Cold Blood |
Capote |
048.4 |
1 |
In Dubious Battle |
Steinbeck |
115.2 |
1 |
In the Midst of Life |
Bierce |
133.1 |
3 |
Intentions |
Wilde |
096.1 |
2 |
Interpretation of Dreams |
Freud |
096.3 |
2 |
Introduction to Aristotle |
Aristotle |
248.1 |
1 |
Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas |
Aquinas |
259.1 |
2 |
Intruder in the Dust |
Faulkner |
351.1 |
1 |
Invisible Man |
Ellison |
338.1 |
1 |
Irish Fairy & Folk Tales |
Misc |
044.1 |
3 |
Island Within |
Lewisohn |
123.3 |
1 |

J |
Jane Eyre |
Bronte C. |
064.2, 064.3 |
4 + 2 illus |
John Dewey On Education |
Dewey |
348.1 |
2 |
Johnson Reader |
Johnson |
363.1 |
1 |
Jörn Uhl |
Frenssen |
101.1 |
2 |
Joseph Andrews |
Fielding |
117.3, 117.4 |
1 |
Journals |
Emerson |
192.2 |
1 |
Jude the Obscure |
Hardy |
135.1, 135.2 |
5 |
Julian |
Vidal |
395.1 |
1 |
Jungle Peace |
Beebe |
030.2 |
3 |
Jurgen |
Cabell |
015.2 |
2 |

K |
Kierkegaard Anthology |
Kierkegaard |
303.1 |
2 |
Kim |
Kipling |
099.3 |
2 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
L |
Lady Chatterley's Lover |
Lawrence |
148.4 |
1 |
Last of the Wine |
Renault |
336.1 |
1 |
Late George Apley |
Marquand |
182.2 |
1 |
Latin Poets |
Misc |
217.2 |
1 |
Leaves of Grass |
Whitman |
097.2 |
3 + 2 illus |
Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose |
Whitman |
097.3 |
2 |
Lie Down in Darkness |
Styron |
350.1 |
1 |
Life and Death of a Spanish Town |
Paul |
225.1 |
1 |
Life and Selected Writings |
Jefferson |
234.1, 234.2 |
2 |
Life of Jesus |
Renan |
140.1 |
3 |
Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti |
Symonds |
049.2 |
4 |
Life of Samuel Johnson |
Boswell |
282.1 |
1 |
Life of the Caterpillar |
Fabre |
107.1 |
2 |
Life With Father |
Day |
230.1 |
1 |
Life & Works of Beethoven |
Burk |
241.1, 241.2 |
2 |
Light in August |
Faulkner |
088.5, 088.6, 088.7 |
3 |
Little Women |
Alcott |
258.2 |
1 |
Lives of the Twelve Caesars |
Suetonius |
188.1 |
3 |
Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects |
Vasari |
190.3 |
1 |
Livy: A History of Rome |
Livy |
325.1 |
2 |
Long Voyage Home |
O'Neill |
111.2 |
5 |
Looking Backward |
Bellamy |
022.3, 022.4 |
2 |
Lord Jim |
Conrad |
186.1 |
3 |
Lost Weekend |
Jackson |
258.1 |
1 |
Love and Other Stories |
Maupassant |
072.1 |
3 |
Love's Coming of Age |
Carpenter |
051.1 |
4 |
Lust for Life |
Stone |
011.3 |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
M |
Madame Bovary |
Flaubert |
028.1, 028.2, 028.3 |
8 |
Madame Chrysantheme |
Loti |
094.1 |
3 |
Mademoiselle de Maupin |
Gautier |
053.1 |
6 |
Mademoiselle de Maupin/Cleopatra's Nights |
Gautier |
053.2 |
2 |
Mademoiselle Fifi |
Maupassant |
008.1 |
2 |
Maggie, A Girl of the Street |
Crane |
102.2 |
1 |
Magic Mountain |
Mann |
200.1 |
1 |
Maidens of the Rocks |
D'Annunzio |
118.1 |
1 |
Making of Man |
Misc |
149.2 |
2 |
Making of Society |
Misc |
183.2, 183.3 |
3 |
Maltese Falcon |
Hammett |
045.2 |
2 |
Man Who Was Thursday |
Chesterton |
035.1 |
3 |
Man's Fate |
Malraux |
033.2, 033.3 |
4 |
Maria Chapdelaine |
Hemon |
010.2 |
2 |
Marius the Epicurean |
Pater |
090.1 |
3 |
Marjorie Fleming's Book [Diary] |
Fleming |
093.1 |
2 |
Married |
Strindberg |
002.1 |
1 |
Married and Miss Julie |
Strindberg |
002.2 |
1 |
Mary, Mary |
Stephens |
030.1 |
1 |
Master Builder/ Pillars of Society/Hedda Gabler |
Ibsen |
036.1 |
3 |
Maurice Guest |
Richardson H |
065.2 |
1 |
Mayor of Casterbridge |
Hardy |
017.1, 017.2 |
8 |
McTeague |
Norris |
060.1 |
1 |
Medici |
Young |
179.1 |
2 |
Medieval Philosophy |
Misc |
344.1 |
2 |
Medieval Romances |
Misc |
133.2 |
2 |
Memento Mori/Ballad of Peckham Rye |
Spark |
373.1 |
1 |
Memoirs |
Casanova |
165.1 |
3 |
Men in War |
Latzko |
088.1 |
1 |
Men, Women and Boats |
Crane |
102.1 |
4 |
Messer Marco Polo |
Byrne |
043.3 |
1 |
Mikado and other Plays |
Gilbert |
026.1 |
3 |
Miracle of Saint Antony |
Maeterlinck |
011.1 |
2 |
Miss Julie and Other Plays |
Strindberg |
052.1 |
1 |
Moby Dick |
Melville |
119.1, 119.2 |
5 |
Modern American Poetry |
Misc |
127.2 |
1 |
Modern American Poets |
Misc |
127.1 |
2 |
Modern Book of Criticism |
Misc |
081.1 |
5 |
Modern Library Dictionary |
Misc |
001.6, 004.4 |
1 |
Moll Flanders |
Defoe |
122.1, 122.2 |
4 |
Moon and Sixpence |
Maugham |
027.2 |
2 |
Moon of the Caribbees |
O'Neill |
111.1 |
4 |
Morte D'Urban |
Powers |
371.1 |
1 |
Mrs. Dalloway |
Woolf |
096.2 |
2 |
My War with the United States |
Bemelmans |
175.2 |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
N |
Naked and the Dead |
Mailer |
321.1 |
1 |
Nana |
Zola |
142.1 |
6 |
Napoleon |
Ludwig |
095.2 |
2 |
Native Son |
Wright R. |
221.1 |
1 |
New Grub Street |
Gissing |
125.1 |
3 |
New Spirit |
Ellis |
095.1 |
4 |
New Voices in the American Theatre |
Misc |
258.3 |
3 |
Night in the Luxembourg |
Gourmont |
120.1 |
1 |
Nine Stories |
Salinger |
301.1 |
2 |
Nostromo |
Conrad |
275.1 |
2 |
Notebooks |
Da Vinci |
156.2 |
1 |
Notebooks, 1935-1942 |
Camus |
349.1 |
2 |
Notebooks, 1942-1951 |
Camus |
394.1 |
1 |

O |
Odyssey |
Homer |
167.1, 167.2, 167.3 |
4 |
Of Human Bondage |
Maugham |
176.1 |
4 + 4 pb |
Of Mice and Men |
Steinbeck |
029.2 |
2 |
Of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647 |
Bradford |
379.1 |
1 |
Old Calabria |
Douglas |
141.1 |
2 |
Old Wives' Tale |
Bennett |
184.1 |
2 |
On Population |
Malthus |
309.1 |
1 |
Oracles of Nostradamus |
Ward |
081.3 |
2 |
Ordeal of Richard Feverel |
Meredith |
134.1, 134.2 |
4 |
Oregon Trail |
Parkman |
267.1 |
1 |
Oriental Romances |
Misc |
055.2 |
1 |
Our Lady of Flowers |
Genet |
358.1 |
1 |
Our Mutual Friend |
Dickens |
308.1 |
1 |
Out of Africa |
Dinesen |
023.2 |
2 |
Outline of Abnormal Psychology |
Misc |
152.1, 152.2 |
3 |
Outline of Psychoanalysis |
Misc |
066.1, 066.2 |
3 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
P |
Painted Bird |
Kosinski |
015.4 |
1 |
Painted Veils |
Huneker |
043.2 |
2 |
Pale Horse, Pale Rider |
Porter |
045.3 |
2 |
Parnassus On Wheels |
Morley |
190.1 |
2 |
Passage to India |
Forster |
218.1 |
2 |
Past Recaptured |
Proust |
278.1 |
2 |
Pathfinder |
Cooper |
105.2 |
1 |
Penguin Island |
France |
210.1 |
2 |
Pensees and the Provincial Letters |
Pascal |
164.3 |
1 |
Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet |
Balzac |
245.1 |
1 |
Persian Wars |
Herodotus |
255.1 |
1 |
Personal History |
Sheean |
032.3 |
1 |
Personal History of Henry VIII |
Hackett |
265.1 |
1 |
Peter and Alexis |
Merejkowski |
175.1 |
1 |
Peter Ibbetson |
Du Maurier G |
207.1 |
2 |
Peter Whiffle |
Van Vechten |
164.1 |
1 |
Philosophical Writings |
Descartes |
043.4 |
2 |
Philosophy |
Hegel |
239.2 |
3 |
Philosophy |
Hume |
340.1 |
1 |
Philosophy |
James W. |
114.1 |
4 |
Philosophy |
Kant |
266.1 |
3 |
Philosophy |
Sartre |
370.1 |
1 |
Philosophy of John Stuart Mill |
Mill |
322.1 |
1 |
Philosophy [Works] of Plato |
Plato |
181.1 |
5 |
Philosophy of Santayana |
Santayana |
224.2 |
1 |
Philosophy of Schopenhauer |
Schopenhauer |
052.2 |
4 |
Philosophy of Spinoza |
Spinoza |
060.3 |
4 |
Pickwick Papers |
Dickens |
204.1 |
2 + 3 illus |
Picture of Dorian Gray |
Wilde |
001.1, 125.3 |
5 |
Picture of Dorian Gray/De Profundis |
Wilde |
001.2, 125.2 |
2 |
Pit |
Norris |
092.2 |
1 |
Plague |
Camus |
109.2 |
2 |
Plays |
Moliere |
078.1, 078.2 |
4 |
Plays |
Tchekov |
171.1 |
2 |
Plays |
Wilde |
083.2 |
3 |
Plays of Strindberg Vol I [There's no Vol II] |
Strindberg |
369.1 |
1 |
Poems |
Blake |
091.1 |
2 |
Poems |
Davidson |
060.2 |
1 |
Poems |
Frost |
242.1 |
1 |
Poems |
Longfellow |
056.2 |
3 + 2 illus |
Poems |
Swinburne |
023.1 |
5 |
Poems |
Villon |
058.1 |
3 |
Poems |
Whitman |
097.1 |
3 |
Poems |
Wilde |
019.1 |
2 |
Poems and Fairy Tales |
Wilde |
084.2 |
3 |
Poems and Prose |
Dowson |
074.1 |
3 |
Poetry of Freedom |
Misc |
175.3 |
1 |
Point Counter Point |
Huxley |
180.1 |
2 |
Politics |
Aristotle |
228.1 |
3 |
Poor People |
Dostoyevsky |
010.1 |
2 |
Poor White |
Anderson |
115.1 |
3 |
Poorhouse Fair/Rabbit, Run |
Updike |
357.1 |
2 |
Porgy |
Heyward |
148.2 |
1 |
¶ Portnoy's Complaint |
Roth |
n/a |
1 |
Portrait of a Lady |
James H. |
107.3, 107.4, 107.5 |
3 |
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man |
Joyce |
145.1 |
4 |
Possessed |
Dostoyevsky |
055.3 |
4 |
Power |
Feuchtwanger |
206.1 |
2 |
Praise of Folly |
Erasmus |
331.1 |
1 |
Precious Bane |
Webb |
219.1 |
1 |
Pride and Prejudice/Sense and Sensibility |
Austen |
264.1, 264.2 |
1 |
Prince and The Discourses |
Machiavelli |
065.3, 065.4 |
1 |
Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft |
Gissing |
046.1 |
4 |
Progress and Poverty |
George H. |
036.2 |
2 |
Purple Land |
Hudson |
024.2 |
3 |
Pylon |
Faulkner |
380.1 |
1 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
Q |
Queen Pedauque |
France |
110.1 |
3 |
Quiet American |
Greene |
382.1 |
1 |

R |
Rainbow |
Lawrence |
128.1 |
4 |
Rebecca |
Du Maurier D |
227.1 |
1 |
Rector of Justin |
Auchincloss |
383.1 |
1 |
Red and the Black |
Stendhal |
157.1 |
4 |
Red Badge of Courage |
Crane |
130.3, 130.4 |
2 |
Red Lily |
France |
007.1 |
5 |
Red Star Over China |
Snow |
126.3 |
2 |
Redemption and other Plays |
Tolstoy |
077.1 |
3 |
Reigen and Other Plays |
Schnitzler |
032.2 |
1 |
Renaissance |
Pater |
086.1 |
6 |
Renaissance Philosophy Vol I |
Misc |
376.1 |
1 |
Renaissance Philosophy Vol II |
Misc |
301.2 |
1 |
Renee Mauperin |
Goncourt |
076.1 |
3 |
Reprieve |
Sartre |
381.1 |
1 |
Republic |
Plato |
153.2 |
1 + 1 pb |
Resistance, Rebellion, and Death |
Camus |
339.1 |
1 |
Restoration Plays |
Misc |
287.1 |
1 |
Return of the Native |
Hardy |
121.1 |
4 |
Revolt of the Angels |
France |
011.2 |
2 |
Rezanov |
Atherton |
071.1 |
3 |
Rhetoric and Poetics |
Aristotle |
246.2 |
2 |
Rise of Silas Lapham |
Howells |
277.1 |
3 |
Roan Stallion |
Jeffers |
118.3 |
2 |
Robinson Crusoe/Plague Year |
Defoe |
092.4 |
1 |
Roman Comedies |
Misc |
337.1 |
1 |
Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci |
Merejkowski |
138.1 |
8 |
Rome Haul |
Edmonds |
191.2 |
1 |
Rothschild's Fiddle & Other Stories |
Chekhov |
031.1 |
3 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
S |
Saint Joan/Major Barbara/Androcles |
Shaw G.B. |
294.1 |
1 |
Salammbo |
Flaubert |
118.2 |
1 |
Salome and Other Plays |
Wilde |
083.1 |
2 |
Samuel Pepys' Diary |
Pepys |
103.1 |
5 |
Sanctuary |
Faulkner |
061.2, 061.3 |
3 |
Sanine |
Artzibashev |
189.1 |
1 |
Sapho/Manon Lescaut |
Daudet etc. |
085.1 |
5 |
Satyricon |
Petronius |
156.1 |
4 |
Scarlet Letter |
Hawthorne |
093.2, 093.3 |
5 |
Sea and the Jungle |
Tomlinson |
099.2 |
4 + 1 pb |
Selected Essays |
Montaigne |
218.2 |
1 |
Selected Essays |
Tolstoy |
347.1 |
1 |
Selected Papers |
Russell |
137.1 |
5 |
Selected Poems |
Dickinson |
025.4 |
1 |
Selected Poetry |
Auden |
160.2, 160.3 |
2 |
Selected Poetry |
Browning |
198.2 |
1 |
Selected Poetry |
Byron |
195.2, 195.3 |
2 |
Selected Poetry |
Tennyson |
230.2 |
1 |
Selected Poetry |
Wordsworth |
268.1 |
2 |
Selected Poetry and Prose |
Blake |
285.1 |
1 |
Selected Poetry and Prose |
Coleridge |
279.1 |
1 |
Selected Poetry and Prose |
Poe |
082.2 |
2 |
Selected Poetry and Prose |
Shelley |
274.1 |
3 |
Selected Poetry and Prose |
Swinburne |
384.1 |
1 |
Selected Prejudices |
Mencken |
107.2 |
1 |
Selected Short Stories |
Faulkner |
324.1 |
2 |
Selected Short Stories |
O'Hara |
211.3 |
2 |
Selected Short Stories |
Shaw I. |
319.1 |
1 |
Selected Short Stories |
Singer |
366.1 |
1 |
Selected Stories |
Aleichem |
145.2 |
1 |
Selected Stories |
Dahl |
242.2 |
1 |
Selected Stories |
Kafka |
283.1 |
2 |
Selected Stories |
Welty |
290.1 |
2 |
Selected Stories |
Wodehouse |
126.5 |
1 |
Selected Verse |
Nash |
191.3 |
1 |
Selected Works |
Pope |
257.1, 257.2 |
1 |
Selected Writings |
Bacon |
256.2 |
2 |
Selected Writings |
Burke |
289.2 |
1 |
Selected Writings |
Capote |
353.1 |
2 |
Selected Writings |
Emerson |
091.4 |
2 |
Selected Writings |
Irving |
240.1 |
2 |
Selected Writings |
Michener |
296.1 |
1 |
Selected Writings |
Stein |
332.1 |
1 |
Selections from the Writings |
Paine |
108.1 |
2 |
Sense of Beauty |
Santayana |
292.1 |
1 |
Seven Famous Greek Plays |
Misc |
158.2 |
3 + 3 pbs |
Seven Gothic Tales |
Dinesen |
054.3 |
2 |
Seven That Were Hanged |
Andreyev |
045.1 |
5 + 1 pb |
Sex Problem in Modern Society |
Misc |
198.1 |
2 |
She/King Solomon's Mines |
Haggard |
163.3 |
1 |
Short Bible |
Misc |
057.4 |
1 |
Short History of United States |
Nevins etc. |
235.1, 235.2, 235.3, 235.4 |
4 |
Short Novels |
Tolstoy |
354.1 |
1 |
Short Novels Vol II |
Tolstoy |
367.1 |
1 |
Short Stories |
Balzac |
040.1 |
2 |
Short Stories |
Chekhov |
050.6 |
2 |
Short Stories |
Saki |
280.1 |
2 |
Short Stories |
Tolstoy |
346.1 |
2 |
Short Stories Vol II |
Tolstoy |
361.1 |
1 |
Show Boat |
Ferber |
035.2 |
1 |
Sister Carrie |
Dreiser |
008.2 |
4 |
Six American Plays for Today |
Misc |
038.3 |
1 |
Six Modern American Plays |
Misc |
276.1 |
2 |
Six Novels |
Colette |
251.2 |
1 |
Six Plays |
Hellman |
223.2 |
1 |
Six Plays |
Ibsen |
006.5, 305.1 |
2 |
Six Plays |
Kaufman etc. |
233.1 |
1 |
Six Plays |
Odets |
067.2 |
1 |
Six Plays by Corneille & Racine |
Corneille etc. |
194.1 |
2 |
Six Plays by Rodgers & Hammerstein |
Rodgers etc. |
200.3 |
1 |
Smoke |
Turgenev |
080.1 |
5 |
Soldiers Three |
Kipling |
003.1, 071.2 |
1 |
Some Chinese Ghosts |
Hearn |
130.1 |
3 |
Song of Songs |
Sudermann |
162.1 |
2 |
Sons and Lovers |
Lawrence |
109.1, 333.1 |
6 |
Sound and the Fury |
Faulkner |
187.3 |
2 + 1 pb |
Sound and the Fury & As I lay Dying |
Faulkner |
187.2 |
2 |
South Wind |
Douglas |
005.3, 304.1 |
5 |
Spirit of American Literature |
Macy |
056.1 |
3 |
Steppenwolf |
Hesse |
334.1 |
1 |
¶ Steps |
Kosinski |
n/a |
1 |
Stories |
Chekhov [Tchekov] |
050.4, 050.5 |
3 |
Stories of Modern Italy |
Misc |
118.4 |
1 |
Storm |
Stewart |
254.1 |
2 |
Story of an African Farm |
Schreiner |
132.1 |
4 |
Studies in Murder |
Pearson |
113.2 |
1 |
Studies in Pessimism |
Schopenhauer |
012.1 |
4 |
Sun Also Rises |
Hemingway |
170.1 |
2 |
Swann's Way |
Proust |
059.2 |
3 |
Sweet Cheat Gone |
Proust |
260.1 |
2 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
T |
Tale of Two Cities |
Dickens |
189.2, 189.3 |
3 |
Tales of Mean Streets |
Morrison |
100.1 |
1 |
Temptation of St. Anthony |
Flaubert |
092.1 |
3 |
Ten Days That Shook the World |
Reed |
215.1, 215.2 |
2 |
Tess of the D'Urbervilles |
Hardy |
072.2, 072.3 |
2 |
Thais |
France |
067.1 |
3 |
Theory of the Leisure Class |
Veblen |
063.2, 063.3 |
3 |
Three Famous French Romances |
Misc |
085.2 |
1 |
Three Lives |
Stein |
211.1 |
1 + 1 pb |
Three Musketeers |
Dumas |
143.1, 143.2 |
5 |
Three Soldiers |
Dos Passos |
205.1 |
2 |
Thurber Carnival |
Thurber |
085.3 |
1 |
Thus Spake Zarathustra |
Nietzsche |
009.1 |
5 |
Time of Man |
Roberts |
054.2 |
2 |
To the Lighthouse |
Woolf |
217.1 |
1 |
Tobacco Road |
Caldwell |
249.1 |
2 |
Tom Jones |
Fielding |
185.1, 185.2 |
4 + 2 illus + 1 pb |
Tono-Bungay |
Wells |
197.1 |
2 |
Tortilla Flat |
Steinbeck |
216.1 |
3 |
Tragedies (One Volume) |
Shakespeare |
001.3 |
2 + 1 illus |
Tragedies Vol I |
Shakespeare |
001.4, 002.7 |
1 |
Tragedies Vol II |
Shakespeare |
001.5a, 003.6 |
1 |
Travels of Marco Polo |
Polo |
196.1 |
4 |
Treasure Island |
Stevenson |
004.1 |
3 |
Treasure of the Sierra Madre |
Traven |
389.1 |
1 |
Treasury of Damon Runyon |
Runyon |
053.3 |
2 |
Trial |
Kafka |
318.1, 318.2 |
2 |
Tristram Shandy |
Sterne |
147.1, 147.2 |
4 |
Triumph of Death |
D'Annunzio |
112.1 |
4 |
Troilus and Cressida |
Chaucer |
126.2 |
1 + 1 pb |
¶ Tropic of Cancer |
Miller |
n/a |
1 |
Turn of the Screw |
James H. |
169.1 |
3 |
Twelve Men |
Dreiser |
148.1 |
1 |
Twentieth Century American Poetry |
Misc |
127.3, 127.4 |
3 |
Twenty German Poets |
Misc |
341.1 |
1 |
Two Novels |
Malamud |
317.1 |
1 |
Two Years Before the Mast |
Dana |
236.1, 236.2 |
2 |

Book Title |
Author |
Toledano Number(s) |
DJs |
U |
Uncle Tom's Cabin |
Stowe |
261.1 |
2 |
Une Vie |
Maupassant |
057.1 |
1 |
Une Vie and Bel Ami |
Maupassant |
057.2 |
1 |
Unvanquished |
Fast |
239.1 |
1 |
Up Stream |
Lewisohn |
123.1, 123.2 |
2 |

V |
V. |
Pynchon |
372.1 |
1 |
Vanity Fair |
Thackeray |
131.2,131.3 |
3 |
Varieties of Religious Experience |
James W. |
070.2 |
3 |
Verses From 1929 On |
Nash |
343.1 |
1 |
Vicar of Wakefield |
Goldsmith |
291.1 |
1 |
Victory |
Conrad |
034.2 |
3 |
Vile Bodies |
Waugh |
120.2 |
1 |
Virgil's Works |
Virgil |
075.2, 075.3 |
2 |
Virgin Heart |
Gourmont |
131.1 |
2 |

W |
Walden and Other Writings |
Thoreau |
155.2, 155.3 |
3 + 1 illus |
War in Outline |
Hart L. |
016.2 |
1 |
War in the Air |
Wells |
005.1, 005.2 |
1 |
Washington Square |
James H. |
269.1 |
2 |
Way of All Flesh |
Butler |
013.1, 013.2 |
8 |
What Cheer |
Misc |
190.2 |
1 |
What Makes Sammy Run? |
Schulberg |
281.1 |
1 |
Wild Duck/ Rosmersholm/League of Youth |
Ibsen |
054.1 |
2 |
Wild Duck & Other Plays |
Ibsen |
307.1 |
2 |
¶ Wild Palms |
Faulkner |
n/a |
1 |
Wilderness |
Kent |
182.1 |
1 |
Winesburg, Ohio |
Anderson |
104.1 |
6 |
Wings of The Dove |
James H. |
244.1 |
1 |
Wisdom of Confucius |
Confucius |
007.2, 306.1 |
2 + 3 illus |
Wisdom of Laotse |
Laotse |
262.1 |
1 |
Within a Budding Grove |
Proust |
172.1 |
4 |
Woman Question |
Misc |
059.1 |
2 |
Women in Love |
Lawrence |
068.3 |
3 |
Woodrow Wilson's Addresses |
Wilson |
055.1 |
4 |
World's Great Operas |
Howard |
302.1 |
1 |
Wuthering Heights |
Bronte E. |
106.1, 106.2 |
5 + 1 illus |

Y |
Yama |
Kuprin |
203.1 |
2 |
Yearling |
Rawlings |
246.1 |
1 |
Young Lions |
Shaw I. |
112.3 |
1 |

Z |
Zuleika Dobson |
Beerbohm |
050.1, 050.2, 116.2 |
5 |
