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The Amenities of Modern Library Collecting


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About Modern Library Amenities

The Personal Side of Collecting the Modern Library Series

Amenities is about you as a collector. It focuses on your collecting interests and on the fun of collecting. Here's what each area of Amenities is about:

Member Access
You go here to join up. After that, you go here to sign on so you can add to or update your pages or recommend ML titles for others to read.
Collector Pages The heart of the matter! Here's where you get to show off your collection with photos, descriptions, lists of your favorite and least liked titles, and so on. There's even a place for your own photo! You also go here to see other people's collections and to read about their collecting interests.
ML Miscellany A potpourri of ML stuff—photos and historic article reprints from original sources in the past, dust jacket color variations that don't appear on the ModernLib website, and so on.
Reading List What books in the ML catalog would you recommend other MLers to read, and why? Here's your chance to let your inner critic out.



Many thanks go to Scot Kamins, who pointed the way toward the site name, ran through early incarnations of the site finding problems, and contributed material.  Notice his vernacular on this page?

Additional thanks go to John Krygier who also did an early test run (and, like Scot, lost some data along the way).  John also found some problems, had suggestions, and contributed original material.


The Amenities of Modern Library Collecting is a noncommercial hobby site, and shall accept no responsibility for lost data or lost access.  While every reasonable effort will be made to achieve reliability for both access and stored data, no guarantee can be given in either area.  Data is backed up each evening, and stored off site.


Amenities Home Page Visits since November 2, 2005: 13,842
Registered Amenities Members: 98
Total Number of Titles Held by MLA Collectors: 12,406


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