The Change Log

ModernLib's Updates & Additions Page

This table includes all significant updates, modifications, and additions to all areas of the Modernlib (formerly Dogeared) website. (Click here to see the table of updates and additions for previous years.) Not noted are minor changes such as link corrections, text editing, debugging, or additions to various tables dealing with DJ types spotted for specific titles. Newest entries appear at the top of the list. Entries between dates were all made on the closest date above the entry.
08/18/2024 Added G25.1, Complete Plays of Gilbert & Sullivan to the Buckrams seen list. Bill Hornick
08/11/2024 Updated the Dating Key for giants. Ron Holl
07/10/2024 Added new jacket (1919) for Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray. Larry La Sala
03/16/2024 Added the Blumenthal color combination page. Ron Holl
02/19/2024 Updates to the ML Dust Jacket Illustrator page. Added Bill Meek, Isadore N. Steinberg, and Duggan. April Hearn
09/27/2021 Added new jacket for Wilde's An Ideal Husband / A Woman of No Importance. This is possibly the first jacket. Ron Holl
06/28/2021 Added plain brown wrapper jacket for Dostoyevsky's The Possessed. This is the final plain brown wrapper jacket image needed. Bill Hornick
06/19/2021 Added two new entries in the False Firsts list Ron Holl
08/11/2020 Added new entry to the Buckrams Spotted page (Steppenwolf) Brian LeMasters
06/28/2020 Added corrections and new entries to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters, Bill Hornick
04/23/2020 Added 1st dust jacket for Thus Spake Zarathustra (1917) Bill Hornick
04/22/2020 Added new page for ISBN Numbers on Classic Period Titles Ron Holl
03/02/2020 Added dust jacket for Best Ghost Stories (1927) Bill Hornick
02/10/2020 Added color printing error on DJ for Bronte's Wuthering Heights (1970?) Bill Hornick
02/01/2020 Added first dust jacket for Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray (1917) in 1.1 dropcap dust jacket!!! Bill Hornick, John Wolansky
06/10/2019 Added dust jacket for Adams's Education of Henry Adams (1977) Bill Hornick
10/18/2018 Added dust jacket for E Bronte's Wuthering Heights (1930) Larry La Sala
09/21/2018 Added dust jacket for Sinclair's Belfry (1920) Ron Holl
09/21/2018 Added dust jacket for Proust's Swann's Way (1977) Bill Hornick
09/21/2018 Added dust jacket for Hugo's Les Miserables (1977) Bill Hornick
09/21/2018 Added dust jacket for Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray (1920) Ron Holl
09/18/2018 Added dust jacket for Camus' Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (1969) (type o jacket) Bill Hornick
09/18/2018 Added dust jacket for Camus' Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (1969) (printing error?) Ron Holl
12/29/2017 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (259.1, Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas) Bill Hornick
12/13/2016 Added new feature, False Firsts, listing titles where first edition slugs carried forward to non-firsts Scot Kamins, Ron Holl
09/29/2016 Added note describing a copy of Don Quixiote which was constructed of regular and illustrated components. Bill Hornick
08/02/2016 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (G1.1 Tolstoy, War & Peace) Brian LeMasters
07/09/2016 Added new feature: Modern Library Chronicles Series Ron Holl, Bill Hornick
07/08/2016 Added extremely scarce 1st DJ for 127.1 Modern American Poets John Wolansky
05/24/2016 Added new giant jacket variation for the Gh type, a Gh5 with the logo in a hexagon: Giant DJ Back Style Gh Variations Bill Hornick
02/08/2016 Added new feature: Modern Library Mini Editions Ron Holl
02/01/2016 Added new feature: Modern Library College Editions Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
01/19/2016 Added dust jacket for Maupassant's Une Vie (1923?) Ron Holl
  Added dust jacket for Maupassant's Love and Other Stories (1923?) Ron Holl
01/18/2016 Added dust jacket for Maupassant's Une Vie (1930) Matt Jenkins, Ron Holl
  Added dust jacket for Ibsen's Wild Duck / Rosmersholm/ League of Youth (1920?) Ron Holl
  Added dust jacket for An Outline of Psychoanalysis (1924 1st) Ron Holl
11/05/2015 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page (missing spine # & "Buckram Reinforced" notices for 33.3, Malraux Man's Fate and 212.1, Strachey Eminent Victorians) Bill Hornick
10/21/2015 Added dust jacket for Paine's Selections (1929) Matt Jenkins
09/26/2015 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (G027.1 Darwin, Origin of Species) Brian LeMasters
09/16/2015 Added dust jacket for Spinoza's Philosophy (1929) John Wolansky
08/09/2015 Added dust jacket and illustrator for Aristotle's Introduction Ron Holl, Chris Brennan
06/13/2015 Changed ModernLib hosting platform Ron Holl
05/19/2015 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page 61.3 Faulkner, Sanctuary) Bill Hornick
04/23/2015 Added new feature, Jacket and Binding Subtype Finder Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
03/05/2015 Added dust jacket for Flaubert's Temptation of St. Anthony (1920 1st) Ron Holl
02/19/2015 Added dust jacket for Norris's McTeague (1922) Ron Holl
02/18/2015 Added new Tole# 063.3 for variation of Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class Bill Hornick
02/17/2015 Added new feature: List of Plays in the Modern Library 1917 - 1991 Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  Added new feature: List of Short Stories in the Modern Library 1917 - 1991 Scot Kamins, Ron Holl
02/05/2015 Added dust jacket for 1st of The Woman Question Ron Holl, John Wolansky
01/04/2015 Added two new regular bindings styles covering 1977 - 1986 Bill Hornick
  Added two new giant binding styles covering 1977 - 1986 Bill Hornick
  Added new endpaper style covering 1977 - 1986 Bill Hornick
  Added two new regular DJ back styles covering 1977 - 1986 Bill Hornick
  Added two new giant DJ back styles including special variations covering 1977 - 1986 Bill Hornick
12/09/2014 Added DJ for Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra (1920) Bill Hornick
11/24/2014 Added DJ for Butler's Erewhon (1927) Dan Glaeser
09/18/2014 Added DJ for Oscar Wilde's Poems (1925)

Bill Hornick

08/18 - 09/18/2014 Thanks mostly to contributions from Bill Hornick and John Wolansky, added over 90 images for the Plain Brown Wrapper series (1977 - 1986 or so). Bill Hornick, John Wolansky
08/18/2014 Added Modern Library "Woodcuts" List describing characteristics of the 1982-1986 series plus links to all examples Ron Holl
08/07 - 08/20/2014 Added all remaining Woodcut images; added 75 "plain brown wrapper" 1977 - 1982 series jackets Scot Kamins, Ron Holl, Barry Neavill, Bill Hornick, John Wolansky
08/06/2014 Added entry for Klute to Modern Library in the Movies Peter LaVigna
07/30/2014 Added new DJ for Gilbert's The Mikado & Other Plays (1925) Craig Stoyle
  Added new DJ for Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1930) Craig Stoyle
July/2014 Began expansion of ModernLib to include post-classical books. Added many images of the woodcuts (1982-1986). Scot Kamins, Ron Holl, Barry Neavill, Bill Hornick, John Wolansky
06/26/2014 Tightened criteria for first printing of World's Greatest Operas (inverse of DJ list info) John Wolansky
  Added info showing which jacket go with which Toledano number for Ibsen's Six Plays Scott Tilley
  Added new Toledano number for new variety of Eighteenth Century Plays (224.3) Bill Hornick
06/05/2014 Added new DJ for Harding's The Mayor of Casterbridge (1947) Bill Hornick
05/08/2014 Added new DJ (an evident 1st) for Selections From The Writings Of Thomas Paine (1922) Ron Holl
05/04/2014 Added new DJ for Morrison's Tales of Mean Streets (1925) John Wolansky
  Added new DJ back style b5 Scot Kamins, Ron Holl
04/25/2014 Added two new titles + Reason For Changes column to Titles That Changed Numbers Barry Neavill, John Peterson
04/24/2014 Added new table Titles That Changed Numbers Bill Hornick
04/14/2014 Added new dust jacket: Dostoyevsky's Poor People (1918) Ron Holl
02/24/2014 Added new feature: Illustrated Unillustrateds lists books not part of The Modern Library Illustrated Series that nonetheless have two or more illustrations Scot Kamins
02/20/2014 Completed about one month's work updating all dust jacket ranges as extension to the DateRange project; created new icons with embedded help Scot Kamins, Ron Holl
02/15/2014 Added new lists plus new dimension to Six Degrees of the Modern Library Ron Holl
02/05/2014 Added 25 new titles(!) to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
1/21/2014 Edited, reformatted, and moved Barry's Bindery from Amenities website to ModernLib Scot Kamins & Ron Holl
01/18/2014 Moved collector pages from Amenities to ModernLib Ron Holl
01/10/2014 Moved Trivia Challenge from Amenities Website to ModernLib Ron Holl
01/06/2014 Added study of DJ back style j Ron Holl & Scot Kamins
12/24/2013 Added brochure cover from Spring 1942 Robert Watling Jr.
12/20/2013 Added new DJ for Stirner's Ego And His Own (1919) Ron Holl
12/19/13 Added JacketFinder tool that lets a user find all titles confirmed to come in a specific DJ Ron Holl
12/16/2013 Added totals to the bottom of each binding type in the regular & giants bindings tables Ron Holl
12/07/2013 Added new Toledano number for new variety of Chekhov's Short Stories (050.6) Bill Hornick
10/20/2013 Added likely first DJ for Thompson's Complete Poetical Works (1918) Chad Bernu
10/18/2013 Added new Toledano number for new variety of Faulkner's Light In August (088.7) Bill Hornick
10/08/2013 Added likely first DJ for Sudermann's Dame Care (1917) Gary Johnson
08/11/2013 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (155.3 Thoreau, Walden) Eric Hanson
08/04/2013 Added new DJ (B style) for Gourment's A Night in the Luxembourg (1930) Ron Holl
08/01/2013 Added Whitman & Rostand to Book Block Plate Varieties (Regular Editions) Vincent Civiletti
07/28/2013 Completed two months work moving material into databases, updating DJ backs and bindings material, fixing broken links, etc. Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  Added BindingFinder tool that lets a user find all titles confirmed to come in a specific binding Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  Added table of confirmed DJ backs for both giants and regulars Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  Added new subtypes for h and Gb dj backs and renamed binding 5 variations Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  In BookNotes that cover more than one Toledano number, bindings and DJ back styles are now reported separately for each Toledano number Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  In BookNotes, binding and DJ back styles are now called out with subtypes noted Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
07/09/2013 Added new dust jacket for Poe's Best Tales (1930) Chad Bernu
06/30/2013 Added new Tole# 318.2 for Kafka's Trial Scot Kamins
06/17/2013 Added new Tole# 214.2 for Cummings Enormous Room Bill Hornick
06/02/2013 Added new Tole# G052.3 for annotated James Joyce Ulysses John Wolansky
  Added list of Modern Library Publications by Barry Neavill with links Barry Neavill
03/27/2013 Added source material for A Johnson Reader Robert Watling Jr.
02/20/2013 Added additional function to search function on the home page: In the choice for Toledano #, enter an asterisk (*) to get the entire list Ron Holl
02/19/2013 Added new Toledano number 195.4 to account for anomaly of releases for Byron's Selected Poetry Scot Kamins

Made changes to the search function on the home page.

Ron Holl & Scot Kamins
01/21/2013 Added title disparity tables for regulars and giants Bill Hornick
01/03/2013 Simplified the interface from the page Modern Library Dust Jackets and their Designers/Illustrators to individual designer pages. More work on this section will likely be forthcoming. Scot Kamins
12/29/2012 Updated "unique DJs" field on Index to Titles of Giant Issues 1931-1975 and Index to Titles Regular Issues 1917-1975 by correcting the actual number of DJs and by breaking down the counts into standard issues + illustrateds + paperbacks Bill Hornick
12/23/2012 Added new page: Guide to the Illustrated Editions Bill Hornick
12/04/2012 Added later (standard format) cover of paperback Picasso and the Human Comedy Barry Neavill
11/29/2012 Added DJ for Turgenev's Smoke (1927 or so) Ron Holl
  Added DJ for Wilde's Ideal Husband (1926) showing subtle difference between BL and Modern Library front panel versions Ron Holl
  Added blow-up image for first printing of Rabelais's Gargantua And Pantagruel. Ordinarily I don't list blow-ups on this page, but this one shows red band lines on gold paper. See this title's BookNotes for info on the unique first printing DJs Ron Holl
11/18/2012 Added Quick & Dirty Guide to the Major Styles of Early DJ Fronts & Spines 1917 - 1939 Scot Kamins
  Added Changing Prices on the Fly (printing new prices over old prices on early DJ spines) Scot Kamins
  Added a template Early Dust Jacket Characteristics Middle/Late 1917 Through 1926 Scot Kamins
  Added DJ for Macy's The Spirit of American Literature Scott Tilley
11/17/2012 Added DJ for D'Annunzio's Flame of Life (1918) Ron Holl
  Added List of Regular Titles Sorted By Toledano Number Bill Hornick
  Added List of Giant Titles Sorted By Toledano Number Bill Hornick
  Added List of Regular Titles Sorted By Year of Initial Publication Bill Hornick
  Added List of Giant Titles Sorted By Year of Initial Publication Bill Hornick
11/15/2012 Added first catalog DJ for Stevenson's Treasure Island -- a rare DJ indeed!!! Sharon Biederman
10/07/2012 Added instructions on using Google to search the archives from the beginning to present day John Krygier
09/30/2012 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (345.1 Misc, Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age) Cary Renfro
09/25/2012 Added new Toledano number 103.2, Samuel Pepys' Diary Bill Hornick
09/20/2012 Added new DJ for Dante's Divine Comedy (1967) John Wolansky
08/12/2012 Added new DJ for Maeterlinck's Pelleas And Melisande And Other Plays with added notes Joe Hill, Barry Neavill
  Put up page for Style B Uniform Typographic Dust Jacket Colors Civiletti, Bernu, LeMasters, Peterson, Hornick
08/09/2012 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (107.5, James, Portrait of a Lady) Brian LeMasters
08/05/2012 Added new DJ for Wilde's Salome & Other Plays & discontinued 1939 DJs for Roberts' Time of Man and Hearn's Some Chinese Ghosts. Bill Lee, John Krigier, Chad Bernu
08/01/2012 Added new DJ for Koestler's Darkess At Noon Chad Bernu
  Added bunch of blow-up images for DJs Chad Bernu, Murry Spector, Vincent Civiletti
07/30/2012 Thanks to the remarkable efforts of six key players, we finished the first pass of the DJDR Project [except Shakespeare] in less than a month! Chad Bernu, Vincent Civiletti, Bill Hornick, Barry Neavill, Murry Spector, John Wolansky
07/28/2012 Lest you think I've been slacking, since the 13th I've completed first pass of authors "F" through "R" authors for the Dust Jacket Date Range project Scot Kamins
  Addd new DJ for Schnitzler's Anatol and Two Other Plays (1928) Murry Spector
07/12/2012 Completed first pass of "D" & "E" authors for the Dust Jacket Date Range project Scot Kamins
07/11/2012 Completed first pass of "C" authors for the Dust Jacket Date Range project Scot Kamins
07/08/12 Added new FIRST DJ for Bacon's Selected Writings Chad Bernu
  Completed first pass of "B" authors for the Dust Jacket Date Range project Scot Kamins
07/07/2012 Added new DJ for Bellamy's Looking Backward Chad Bernu
  Added Capote's Selected Writings as a hidden first to the page Stalking the Unmarked First Scott Tilley, Barry Neavill
07/06/2012 Added new Toledano number for variant introduction to Bellamy's Looking Backward Barry Neavill, Chad Bernu
07/05/2012 Completed first pass of "A" authors for the Dust Jacket Date Range project Scot Kamins
06/25/2012 Added Book Block Plate Varieties page showing list of titles with new plates resulting in changes to page count but not content Bill Hornick
05/14/2012 Added page showing anomalous 1st DJ (misprinted) for Byron's Don Juan Lary Johnson, John Wolansky
05/09/2012 Added DJ (1921) for Shaw's An Unsocial Socialist Bill Martin
  Added DJ (1921) for Daudet/Prevost Bill Martin
04/20/2012 Added 1st DJ (1927) for Schreiner's Story of an African Farm Lary Johnson
04/13/2012 Added 65.4 to the catalog to account for the new variation of Maciavelli's The Prince with added bibliography and additions to the introduction. Updated all references. Bill Hornick, John Peterson
  Added comments to BookNotes for Conrad's Nostromo Bill Hornick
04/01/2012 Added images to Shortlived Brodzky Frontispiece & Title Page Design Barry Neavill
03/29/2012 Added G18.2 to the catalog to account for the new variation of the Ibsen giant Eleven Plays with continuous pagination. Updated all references. Bill Hornick
03/19/2012 Modified article Shortlived Brodzky Frontispiece & Title Page Design to include a list of all titles using the design discovered thus far John Peterson
01/14/2012 De-uglified & updated Modern Library Dust Jackets and their Designers/Illustrators  Scot Kamins
12/21/2011 Updated "Generic DJ" FAQ page with new images & added info. Neal Fenty, Albert Robbins
12/12/2011 Added comments to Booknotes for The Red Lily, Way of All Flesh, and Madame Bovary pointing out the existence of scarce private printings for these titles. Bill Hornick
  Added Booknotes comments about rare keratol bindings for Cellini's Autobiography and Merejkowski's Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci. (A comment about this had previously been added to Symonds’ Life of Michelangelo.) Bill Hornick
11/07/2011 Added new FAQ: Which first editions/first printings had ISBN numbers on their dust jackets? John Wolansky, Ron Holl, John Krygier
11/05/2011 Added first printing point for Kosinski's Painted Bird (no ISBN number anywhere) John Wolansky, Pete Chocheles, John Krygier
11/01/2011 Added Wilde's De Profundis new DJ (1926) Scot Kamins
  Added possible first DJ for Andreyev's Seven That were Hanged (1918) Scot Kamins
10/29/2011 Added variation of a 1924 Boni-Liveright brochure, including full front & back spreads John Peterson
  Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (85.3 Thurber, The Thurber Carnival) Thomas Moll
08/24/2011 Added several more full-sized images. Some holes still exist, especially in the flexis. John Wolansky
08/15/2011 Added the last major group of Wolansky's full-sized images for a total of around 300 from his collection John Wolansky
08/04/2011 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (G28.1 Carroll, Complete Works) John Wolansky
  Additions of the Wolansky collection of full-sized images at 5 each day continues apace John Wolansky
08/01/2011 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (1929's buckram of 106.1 Bronte, Wuthering Heights) Brian LeMasters
07/16/2011 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (171.2 Chekhov, Best Plays) Eric Hanson
07/08/2011 Added very rare dust jacket: De Gourmont's A Virgin Heart (1927)

Barry Neavill, from the Pete Chocheles collection

  Continuing to add about five new full-sized images a day John Wolansky
06/24/2011 Added illustration for regular binding style 5* which is style 5 with a blind-stamped logo on the cover. (Style 5's logo is gold-stamped.) Scot Kamins
06/22/2011 Added 15 more 30's balloon-cloth sized (6.5") images. Additions from the Wolansky collection will be continuing regularly for the next several weeks, so I'll just credit them all at the end and stop these redundant postings. John Wolansky
  Added unusual red style 2 regular binding, evidently used only in the Fall of 1918 (linked on the Binding Styles page) Barry Neavill
06/18/2011 Added yet another batch of 30's balloon-cloth sized (6.5") images John Wolansky
06/16/2011 Added a batch more 30's balloon-cloth sized (6.5") images John Wolansky
06/15/2011 Added ad from 1950 promoting Proust series Ron Holl
06/13/2011 Added 125+ more giant, paperback, & post-1938 regular-issue DJ images John Peterson
06/08/2011 Added 30+ more giant, paperback, & post-1938 regular-issue DJ images John Peterson
06/06/2011 Added 50 more giant, paperback, & post-1938 regular-issue DJ images John Peterson
06/05/2011 Added 30 more giant, paperback, & post-1938 regular-issue DJ images John Peterson
  Added movie poster (accessible from BookNotes for the title) on which was based the first DJ for Dana's Two Years Before The Mast. John Peterson
06/04/2011 Added 50 giant, paperback, & post-1938 regular-issue DJ images John Peterson
  Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (218.2 Montaigne, Selected Essays) Eric Hanson
  Added new DJ: Camus' Notebooks 1935-1942, "No Salter" variation John Peterson
06/02/2011 Added 20 more flexi DJ images John Peterson
  Added enlarged Our Mutual Friend (Dickens) Brian LeMasters
06/01/2011 Added 25 flexi DJ images John Peterson
05/27/2011 Added another large group of full-sized regular images Darrell Johnson
05/22/2011 Added 250 or so full-sized regular images Darrell Johnson
  Added more full-sized images David and Sharon Rohde
05/17/2011 Added 60 or so full-sized flexi image Darrell Johnson
  Added some full-sized images David and Sharon Rohde
05/15/2011 Added about 85 Giant full-sized images Darrell Johnson
05/14/2011 Added about 20 Giant full-sized images Darrell Johnson
05/09/2011 Added a bunch of full-sized images. In the interest of time, I won't any longer be listing these kinds of changes except to credit contributors other than myself. I'll also be adding stuff as I come across it on the Internet but I won't list it. Scot Kamins
05/06/2011 Added full-sized image for Alice in Wonderland (1931), God's Little Acre (1939), Peter Ibbetson (1937), Penguin Island (1939), Singer's Selected Short Stories (1966), The Charterhouse of Parma (1936), The Lives of the Twelve Caesars (1939), Dracula (1941), Pickwick Papers (1956) Scot Kamins
05/05/2011 Added Hellman's Six Plays (223.2) to Stalking the Unmarked First page James Otis
  Updated BookNotes on Faulkner's Intruder in the Dust to reflect newly reported 1st points Barry Neavill, Scott Tilley
05/04/2011 Added DJ: Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography (illustrated color variation) Scot Kamins
  Added full-sized image for Best American Humorous Short Stories (1929), The Cabala (1930), Candide (graphic dj), Out of Africa (1969), The Great Gatsby (1939), Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose (1969), Vanity Fair (1935), The Iliad (1937) JB Krygier
05/03/2011 Added full-sized image for Man's Fate (1936), Show Boat (1935), Dead Souls (1936), Magic Mountain (1932), Against the Grain (1934), Pickwick Papers (1932), Origin of Species (1936), The Old Wives' Tale (1935), Sanctuary (1934), Sister Carrie (1935 or so) JB Krygier
05/01/2011 Added DJ: Rise of Silas Lapham (late 1963 color variation) Dan Glaeser
  Added full-sized image for Best American Humorous Short Stories (1920) JB Krygier

Added full-sized images for Rezanov (1919), Beyond Life (1926), A Bed Of Roses (1925), The Mikado (1918), Creatures That Once Were Men (1918), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1921), The Cabin (late 1919?), Ibsen's Plays (1917), A Miracle of St. Antony (1919), Mademoiselle Fifi (1919), Diana of the Crossways (1919), Evolution in Modern Thought (1919)

JB Krygier
04/27/2011 Added full-sized images for Wilson's Selected Addresses (1918), Aphrodite (1939 flexi) John Wolansky
04/25/2011 Added full-sized images for Anatol and Two Other Plays (1920), Green Mansions (1926), Erik Dorn (1927), The Seven That Were Hanged (1918), Art of Aubrey Beardsley (1927), The Scarlett Letter (1927) JB Krygier
04/24/2011 Added full-sized images for An Ideal Husband, Candide (text dj), Treasure Island, Beyond Good and Evil, The Moon of the Caribbees JB Krygier
  Added full-sized images for Diana of the Crossways, Confessions of a Young Man, and Some Chinese Ghosts Ron Holl
04/22/2011 Added awful DJ: Sudermann's Dame Care (1928 or so) Ron Holl
0418/2011 Added DJ: Medieval Romances (1st edition) Jim Egan
04/17/2011 Expanded Instant Access feature on Home Page: Gets list of all new titles for a given year. Can specify just regulars, giants,or paperbacks. Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
04/13/2011 Created new Tole number 173.2 for Dewey's Human Nature And Conduct variation with introduction by the author Scot Kamins
04/10/2011 Recast page Quick Guide to Regular Dust Jacket Backs 1917-1974 creating sub-pages for several style series making the master page faster to load Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
  Added Six Degrees of the Modern Library page Ron Holl
  Updated most FAQ & related(linked) pages Scot Kamins
04/09/2011 Created page Genre Dust Jacket Backs of the Late Classical Period 1967 - 1975 (or so) identifying five subtypes of n, o, Gi, and Gj DJs likely useful in identifying first edition pieces Ron Holl, Scot Kamins
03/27/11 Added Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? entry to Modern Library in the Movies Peter LaVigna
03/26/2011 Updated formatting on Confirmed Bindings for Each Title page, making it easy to spot titles with all bindings accounted for. Also added direct link to each title's listing. Scot Kamins
03/25/2011 Updated formatting on Confirmed Bindings for Each Giant Title page, making it easy to spot titles with all bindings accounted for. Also added direct link to each title's listing. Scot Kamins
03/24/2011 Updated all individual BookNotes pages to account for newly discovered confirmed bindings Bill Hornick
  Added DJ: Wilson's Selected Addresses (1919) John Wolansky
03/23/2011 Entered a total of more than 50(!) newly spotted entries for both regular & giant titles on the Confirmed Bindings for Each Title tables. (Haven't entered them on the individual BookNotes pages yet.) Bill Hornick
03/20/2011 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page (282.1 Boswell, Life of Samuel Johnson; 208.2, Dante's Divine Comedy) Eric Hanson
  New Toledano number 271.2 given to variant of Faulkner's Abaslom, Absalom! with no introduction (1963) Bill Hornick
  Point added for first printing of 271.2 (above): binding is style 8 Barry Neavill
  Point added for first printing of 2nd edition of Joyce's Dubliners (124.2, Scholes & Ellmann intro): Price on DJ front flap is $2.45 Pete Chocheles
  Rare instance (first reported) of a Blake's Poems in a transitional 4.5 binding Bill Hornick
  Scarce bright red color noted for type 2 binding, perhaps only for 1919 Barry Neavill
  New 1933 style for Giant DJ back, dubbed Bb-Early, found on First of Twelve Famous Plays (incidently adding a confirming, albeit redundant, first edition point) Brian LeMasters
02/13/2011 Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Andreyev, The Seven That Were Hanged Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Gissing, Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Wilde, Fairy Tales And Poems In Prose Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Dowson, Poems And Prose Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Ellis, The New Spirit Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Frenssen, Jorn Uhl Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Bronte, Wuthering Heights Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  Added DJ: Date unconfirmed, Anderson, Poor White Joe Hill / Barry Neavill
  New DJ back style variation, type h* image + data on other type h variations Brian LeMasters / Ron Holl
02/12/2011 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page (G12.1 Sir Walter Scott, Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe, Kenilworth; G21.2 Sixteen Famous American Plays, and 308.1 Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friends) Eric Hanson
  Added cover for Hooper's Makers of Mathematics (1st, P-38) Scott Tilley
01/29/2011 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (237.1, Collected Poetry of Dorothy Parker) Eric Hanson
01/09/2011 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (G-20, Life & Writings of Abraham Lincoln) John Wolansky
12/28/2010 Added DJ: color variation for Maugham's Of Human Bondage (1939) Joe from Ink Spot Antiques
12/27/2010 Relisted style l dust jacket back variations in chronological order Ron Holl / Scot Kamins
12/26/2010 Added catalog: 1931 Spring- Summer Scott Tilley
  Added color green to top stain colors for book blocks in style 8 bindings Kathleen Steigler
  Added lavender to colors spotted for Fujita endpapers Kathleen Steigler
  Added DJ back variation: Style l, partial bottom bar, no address, price of $2.95 pointing to a 1969 date Kathleen Steigler
  Added TOC for Wodehouse's Selected Stories Ron Holl
12/17/2010 Added DJ: Wilde's An Ideal Husband/Woman of No Importance (1930) Scott Tilley
12/04/2010 Added DJ variation for De Maupassant's Love And Other Stories (1927?) Scott Tilley
  Added various DJ Types to several titles Scott Tilley

08/01/10 -

Added bunch of stuff, but I forgot to update this list (sob!) Various Folks
[Sorry, anonymous ML heros!]
07/23/2010 Added DJ: Third variation of pictoral for O'Neill's The Long Voyage Home Barry Neavill
  Added color blue for binding style 4 colors Derek French
06/28/2010 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat and Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy) Brian LeMasters
06/25/2010 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (giant City of God) Brian LeMasters
06/23/2010 Modified notes for Metropolitan Opera Guide, adding revised edition comments Brian LeMasters, Barry Neavill
  Modified notes for the first three giant editions War And Peace, Life of Samuel Johnson, and Les Miserables pointing to a typo in the first printing that was corrected in the second printing John Peterson, Barry Neavill
06/21/2010 Added DJ: The Woman Question (1923) John Peterson
06/12/2010 Added catalogs for 1950, 1951, & 1952 plus Spring/Summer 1963 Scott Tilley
  Added DJ color variation for Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1967) Scott Tilley
  Added 2 variations for Maughm's Of Human Bondage (1956 1st & 1959) paperbacks Scott Tilley
  Added variation for paperback of Clark's Ox-Bow Incident (1959, 95 cents) Scott Tilley
  Added DJ: Dumas' Three Musketeers (1928 1st) Scot Kamins
  Added DJ: Gorky's Creatures That Once Were Men (1928) Scot Kamins
06/08/2010 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (The Late George Apley) Mike Sefton
05/17/2010 Added DJ: Thus Spake Zarathustra (1917) Ron Holl
  Added DJ color variation: de Maupassant's Best Stories (1958) Dan Glaeser
  Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
02/21/2010 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
  Updated notes for Reed's 10 Days That Shook the World (no 1st statement) Peterson, Wolansky, Neavill
01/31/2010 Updated note for Montaigne's Essays (G11.2): Earliest 1st DJ inverse title count is 306, not 309 John Wolansky
01/24/2010 Added new regular binding style 5a Wilbur C. Springer III
01/18/2010 Added DJ: Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry (1971+) Dan Glaeser
01/02/2010 Added DJ: Stevenson's Treasure Island (1927) Pauline McClafferty
12/03/2009 Added new DJ back style -- probably short term in 1971 Ron Holl
11/21/2009 Added DJ: Complete Greek Tragedies Vol IV: Sophocles II (1969?) Ron Holl
10/23/2009 Added DJ: Anatol and Other Plays (1926 probably) Scott Tilley
10/22/2009 Added DJ: Plays of Oscar Wilde (1969 +) John Peterson
10/18/2009 Added DJ: Van Loon's Ancient Man (1939 flexi) John Wolansky
09/26/2009 Added DJ: Heller's Catch-22 (probably 1968) John Wolansky
09/19/2009 Added DJ: Wells's Ann Veronica (1917 1st) Ron Holl
08/30/2009 Peter Chocheles's Modern Library Pricing (Sept 08 - Aug 09) Peter Chocheles
  Added DJ: Best Ghost Stories (1919) Ron Holl
08/19/2009 Added DJ: O'Neill's Moon of the Caribbees (1922) Ron Holl
08/14/2009 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
08/04/2009 Added a clarifying paragraph explaining the dates above dust jackets on author pages to the Index to Giants, Index to Regulars, and Index to Authors pages. Jerry Karp
  Added post-1970 DJ for Camus' The Plague Dan Glaeser
  Added First Catalog DJ for Strindberg's Married with large centered logo on spine John Wolansky
07/19/2009 Added DJ: Swinburne's Poems (1917 1st) John Wolansky
  added full name of Loederer (Richard A.) to his DJ Designers page Alan Oestreich
07/04/2009 Added DJ: Color variation, Proust, Within a Budding Grove (1960) Terry Morris, Ron Holl
  Added DJ: Color variation, Proust, The Sweet Cheat Gone (date unknown) Ron Holl
  Added DJ: Color variation, Proust, The Past Recaptured (date unknown) Ron Holl
  Added DJ: Color variation, Schreiner, Story of an African Farm (1941) Sharon Biederman
06/30/2009 Added DJ: Twain's Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn (1967) Scott Tilley
  Added DJ: Hudson's Green Mansions (probably 1925) Scott Tilley
06/29/2009 Ad from 1930 promoting Hemingway, Tomlinson John Wolansky
06/27/2009 New DJ image: Livy's History of Rome (1969 or 1970) John Wolansky
06/17/2009 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Barry Miller
05/19/2009 Added DJ: Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men (1938) Ron Holl
05/13/2009 Added DJ: W.L. George's A Bed of Roses (1929) John Wolansky
  Added DJ: Carpenter's Love's Coming of Age (1919[?]) Scot Kamins
05/05/2009 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
04/05/2009 Added DJ: Meredith's Diana of the Crossways (1923) Ron Holl
  Added DJ: Andreyev's Seven That Were Hanged (1923) Ron Holl
03/26/2009 Added brochures for Fall 1940 and Spring 1948 to Brochures page Barry Miller
03/10/2009 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
  Added The Reader (2008) entry to Modern Library in the Movies Alan Oestreich
03/04/2009 Thoroeau's Walden (1962) John Wolansky
  Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil (1930) John Wolansky
  Added three unique Faulkner backs to DJ Back Styles page John Wolansky
  Added batch of new spotted DJ backs & bindings (too many to list) Ron Holl
02/26/2009 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
02/16/2009 Lawrence's Sons and Lovers (1927) Ron Holl
02/09/2009 Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra (1927) Scot Kamins
02/07/2009 Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelly color variation (1967?) Scot Kamins
  Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Ron Holl, John Wolansky
  Buckram Binding styles page modified to include new style B4, a 1969 Fujita buckram Ron Holl, Brian LeMasters
01/29/2009 Finished adding Toledano numbers to the Booknotes windows [] associated with each titleååå Scot Kamins
01/25/2009 Flaubert's Temptation of St. Anthony (1928) Scot Kamins
01/18/2009 Best American Humorous Short Stories (1929) John Peterson
01/15/2009 Began adding Toledano numbers to the Booknotes windows [] associated with each title Scot Kamins
01/12/2009 Search for any book by name or book/Toledano number or for any author directly from the bottom of the Home page Ron Holl
12/24/2008 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
12/23/2008 On Buckram Binding styles page: changed numbering system slightly, added BG1(b) type, renamed BG2(a) to BG1(c). Brian LeMasters
  Added 1966 poster to Modern Library Promotional Posters John Wolansky
  Modified Modern Library Collector page to add offer of entire collection of 55 newsletters for $112 including priority mail postage. Alan Oestreich
12/21/2008 Added article The Ultimate Truth About the Illustrated Alice Barry Neavill
12/11/2008 Repaired many subnumbers on Buckrams Spotted page Johnson, Wolansky
12/07/2008 1949 Fall brochure Darrell Johnson
12/03/2008 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Wolansky, Clark
11/17/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
10/30/2008 Sudermann's Dame Care (1921) Sharon Biederman
10/18/2008 Russell's Selected Papers (1966 color variation) Scott Tilley
  Hegel's Philosophy (1962 color variation) Scott Tilley
  Peter Chocheles's Modern Library Pricing Peter Chocheles
  Huxley's Point Counterpoint (1942) John Wolansky
09/30/2008 DJ blurb on Shaw's The Young Lions Benjamin Clark
  DJ blurb on Twentieth Century American Poetry (1966) Benjamin Clark
  Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
09/24/2008 France's Red Lily (1930) Scot Kamins
09/18/2008 Horace's Complete Works (1969) John Wolansky
08/17/2008 Added 84 Charing Cross Road (1986) entry to Modern Library in the Movies John Peterson
08/16/2008 Added Modern Library in the Movies Michael Watson
06/06/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
05/20/2008 Added three new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Benjamin Clark
05/05/2008 Ibsen's Wild Duck  / Rosmersholm/ League of Youth (1924) Scot Kamins
05/03/2008 Sudermann's Dame Care (1924) Scot Kamins
04/19/2008 Thompson's Complete Poetical Works (1919) Scot Kamins
04/18/2008 Added several variations to the Buckram Binding Styles page -- BG1(a), BG1(b), and BG2(a) John Wolansky
Lawrence's Sons And Lovers (1924) Scot Kamins
04/14/2008 Hecht's Erik Dorn (1924) Scot Kamins
04/13/2008 Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyitch (1924) Scot Kamins
04/10/2008 1927 (Fall) brochure John Wolansky
04/06/2008 James's Daisy Miller/International Episode (1918 1st) Scot Kamins
04/02/2008 1938 (Winter) brochure Scot Kamins
03/31/2008 Voltaire's Candide (1919) Scot Kamins
03/30/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
03/28/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
03/23/2008 Added new type to Buckram Bindings page John Wolansky
03/16/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Dan Myers
03/13/2008 Added two new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
03/03/2008 Renan's Life of Jesus (1927 1st) Scot Kamins
02/25/2008 Sudermann's Dame Care (1926) Scot Kamins
01/27/2008 Loti's Madame Chrysantheme (1929 -- very poor quality image from the Web) Scot Kamins
01/24/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Scott Tilley
01/12/2008 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
01/10/2008 France's Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1927) Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
12/28/2007 Converted ModernLib to a non-member, donation-supported Website Scot Kamins
12/16/2007 Crane's Men, Women and Boats (1923) Scot Kamins
Henry's Best Short Stories Ron Holl
12/11/2007 Ibanez's The Cabin (1919 1st) Scot Kamins
12/06/2007 Nietzsches Genealogy of Morals (1919) Scot Kamins
12/01/2007 Lord Dunsany's A Dreamer's Tales (Date uncertain, but 1925- 1929 for sure) Scot Kamins
11/27/2007 Turgenev's Smoke (1924) -- slight typographical difference in title section Scot Kamins
11/22/2007 Completed month-log update/fixes of links to BookNotes, metadata, biographies, and content for all author pages (and BOY were there fixes to make!!!!) Scot Kamins
11/21/2007 Dumas's Three Musketeers (1930 or so) Ron Holl
11/10/2007 Davidson's Poems (1924 - last new author!!!) Sharon Biederman
11/07/2007 Early Fall 1943 Scot Kamins
Rostand's Cyrano De Bergerac (1929) Ron Holl
11/06/2007 Butler's Way Of All Flesh (1918) Scot Kamins
11/03/2007 A Modern Book of Criticisms (1919 1st) Scot Kamins
10/28/2007 Added link to content scans for Dreiser"s Free & Other Stories Benj Clark
Added link to content scans for Dos Passos's U.S.A. Benj Clark
Added link to content scans (an update) for Thucydides's Complete Writings Benj Clark
10/26/2007 Added Toledano numbers to regular, giant, and paperback indeces Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
Sartre's The Reprieve John Wolansky
20 German Poets John Wolansky
Browning's Selected Poetry John Wolansky
Added new type of Giant buckram to Buckram Binding Styles page Amy Comeau
10/23/2007 Tolstoy's Anna Karenina (1934) John Wolansky
10/22/2007 Added new type of Giant buckram to Buckram Binding Styles page Barry Miller
10/21/2007 Added new FAQ: What is a Toledano number? Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Barry Miller
10/20/2007 France's Thais (1924) Scot Kamins
10/18/2007 Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover John Wolansky
10/17/2007 Conrad's Three Great Tales John Wolansky
10/14/2007 Back cover of Chadwick's Decipherment of Linear B John Wolansky
Added new page: Boni-Liveright 1917-1918 Front Catalogs Kamins, Wolansky
10/11/2007 Completed work on BookNotes -- all files now updated [I rock!!!] Scot Kamins
Zimmern's The Greek Commonwealth John Wolansky
10/10/2007 Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 705 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
10/09/2007 Schopenhauer's Studies in Pessimism (1930?) Scot Kamins
Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 665 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
10/08/2007 Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 622 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
10/07/2007 Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 597 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
10/06/2007 Woodrow Wilson's Selected Addresses (1919) Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Ron Holl
10/05/2007 Added notes on private printings of two more ML titles in the 20's Darrell Johnson
10/04/2007 Faulkner's Sanctuary John Wolansky
Yeat's Irish Fairy and Folk Tales (two versions) Wolansky, Kamins
Famous Science Fiction Stories John Wolansky
Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 503 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
France's Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1924) Ron Holl
10/03/2007 Added page of variations for Giant DJ back style Gh Ron Holl
Marx Capital color variation Ron Holl
10/02/2007 James's Turn of the Screw John Wolansky
Stoker's Dracula John Wolansky
Famous Ghost Stories John Wolansky
Great Tales of Teror & The Supernatural John Wolansky
09/30/2007 Faulkner's Three Famous Short Novels PB color variation Scott Tilley
09/29/2007 Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 426 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
09/27/2007 Maupassant's Une Vie (1924) Scot Kamins
09/25/2007 Added large number of updates to the "Works by this author in Other Modern Library Volumes include" section of many authors (T - end) Darrell Johnson
Schnitzler's Anatol (1919) Scot Kamins
Traven's Treasure of Sierra Madre (1st) John Wolansky
Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! John Wolansky
09/24/2007 Mailing List Archives moved to ModernLib from Amenities so that they can be searched here without leaving the site Ron Holl
Added large number of updates to the "Works by this author in Other Modern Library Volumes include" section of many authors (P - S) Darrell Johnson
09/23/2007 Added large number of updates to the "Works by this author in Other Modern Library Volumes include" section of many authors (J - O) Darrell Johnson
09/22/2007 Evolution in Modern Thought (1920) Scot Kamins
Added several variations to the "b" regular DJ back styles Kamins, Holl
09/21/2007 Added link to content scans for Marjorie Fleming's Diary Benj Clark
Added front flap blurb for Cooper's Leatherstocking Saga John Wolansky
Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 362 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
Added mess of updates to the "Works by this author in Other Modern Library Volumes include" section of many authors (G - I) Darrell Johnson
09/20/2007 Spring 1955 brochure Ron Holl
George's Bed of Roses (1925) Scot Kamins
Swinburne's Poems (1920) Scot Kamins
Maeterlinck's A Miracle of St. Antony (1924) Scot Kamins
Added newly discovered cover for the illustrated Alice Charles Kroon
Updated the "Alice As Phantom" article with new info (see above) Scot Kamins
Updated BookNote on the newly discovered Alice cover (see above) Scot Kamins
09/16/2007 Added mess of updates to the "Works by this author in Other Modern Library Volumes include" section of many authors (C - F) Darrell Johnson
09/14/2007 Wilde's Poems (1918) Sharon Biederman
Added July 1935 ad (back cover, Story magazine) Ron Holl
Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 324 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
09/13/2007 Added DJ blurbs for all Shakespeare volumes John Wolansky
Added updates to the "Works by this author in Modern Library anthologies include" section of Beardsley, Bronte (E.), Brooks, Brown (N.O.) Darrell Johnson
09/11/2007 Continued ongoing work on BookNotes -- 235 total of about 750 files now updated Scot Kamins
Added updates to the "Works by this author in Modern Library anthologies include" section of Adams, Anderson, Bacon, Beerbohm, Bennett, Bierce, Blake, and Michelangelo. Darrell Johnson
09/08/2007 Added updates to the "Works by this author in Modern Library anthologies include" section of Austen,  St. Augustine, Auden, Atherton, Aristotle, and Euripides Darrell Johnson
09/04/2007 Melville's Selected Writings John Wolansky
Spring 1929 brochure Scot Kamins
09/02/2007 Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat John Wolansky
Spring 1939 brochure John Wolansky
08/31/2007 Faulkner's Three Famous Short Novels PB John Wolansky
Faulkner's Two Novels John Wolansky
Pushkin's Captain's Daughter PB John Wolansky
Freud's Leonardo da Vinci PB John Wolansky
Capote's The Muses Are Heard PB John Wolansky
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
08/30/2007 Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge Ron Holl
Spring 1927 brochure Holl, Biederman
08/29/2007 Fall 1932 brochure John Wolansky
08/28/2007 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Buck Lawrence
1923 Spring brochure Sharon Biederman
08/27/2007 Santayana's The Sense of Beauty John Wolansky
08/26/2007 1949 Spring brochure Sharon Biederman
08/24/2007 1963 Fall ML/Vintage catalog Sharon Biederman
O'Neill's The Moon of the Caribbees (1928) Scot Kamins
08/22/2007 The Shock of Recognition John Wolansky
Added additional info & image for the 1937 Fall brochure Sharon Biederman
Created Help Page for the new BookNotes design Scot Kamins
08/21/2007 Chenged 1st binding for Bennett's Old Wive's Tales from a 7 to a 6 Darrell Johnson
Strengthened notice on the Toledano 2000 Guide Extensions page that the page is no longer being updated; rather, all new information immediately appears in the BookNotes for the title in question. Scot Kamins
08/20/2007 Added likely private printing of Bell For Adano Scott Tilley
Beebe's Jungle Peace (1st) Scott Tilley
Homer's Odyssey John Wolansky
08/19/2007 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Bill DiBenedetto
Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms John Wolansky
Rudyard Kipling's Kim John Wolansky
08/17/2007 Added giants to Quick Guide to Buckram Binding Styles Brian LeMasters
08/16/2007 Quick Guide to Buckram Binding Styles Kamins, Holl
08/15/2007 Added page of Binding Style 6 Variations Darrell Johnson
08/14/2007 Added several new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Buck Lawrence
08/13/2007 Farrell's Studs Lonigan John Wolansky
08/12/2007 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Ron Holl
1925 Spring BL large brochure & note John Wolansky
1934 Fall brochure & note John Wolansky
Faulkner's Light in August (1st with gray highlights) John Wolansky
Began adding "Spotted" info to newly formatted BookNotes feature Scot Kamins
08/11/2007 Balzac's Pere Goriot & Eugenie Grandet John Wolansky
Updated translators on Balzac's Pere Goriot & Eugenie Grandet Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page (1920's buckram) John Wolansky
08/10/2007 Stephens's Mary, Mary (various formats, including flipbook B-L reproduction) Benj Clark
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Ron Holl
Updated 1st edition points for Dewey, On Education John Wolansky
08/05/2007 France's Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1938) John Wolansky
Boswell's Life of Johnson (1957) John Wolansky
Tolstoy's War And Peace (1960) John Wolansky
08/01/2007 Great Modern Short Stories (1970) Scott Tilley
07/30/2007 Pushkin's Poems, Prose, and Plays (1st) Barry Miller
Added new info on 1922 [1923?] catalog & image of back cover Sharon Biederman
1925 Spring leaflet Scot Kamins
07/29/2007 Fall/Winter 1933-1934 catalog Scot Kamins
07/24/2007 Fall/Winter 1941-1942 catalog Scot Kamins
07/22/2007 Added two images to Pictorial DJs 1932-1938 (page 6 of 6) Barry Miller
07/21/2007 Fall 1928 catalog Sharon Biederman
Crime & Punishment (1954) John Wolansky
07/19/2007 Fall 1947 catalog Ron Holl
07/16/2007 Atherton's Rezanov (1924?) Ron Holl
Spring 1937 Giants brochure Holl, Biederman
07/15/2007 Updated files on regular and giant DJ backs to reflect new info on ISBN numbers Ron Holl
07/14/2007 Fall 1924 catalog Wolansky, Biederman
07/13/2007 Updated another 16 BookNotes and a mess of other files based on Mailing List entries Scot Kamins
07/12/2007 B&L Spring 1925 brochure John Wolansky
Spring & Fall 1953 brochure Ron Holl
07/10/2007 Fall 1935 brochure John Wolansky
Updated 12 BookNote pages adding first edition ML "titles available" points ListServ members
07/09/2007 Updated 33 BookNote pages adding first edition ML "titles available" points Barry Miller (idea)
07/05/2007 France's Red Lily, 1925 (?) John Wolansky
07/03/2007 Compact table of original book prices drawn from newspapers, magazines, and brochures Scot Kamins
06/25/2007 Random House book flap promoting ML authors Brian LeMasters
06/17/2007 Saki, Short Stories, 1969(?) John Wolansky
06/14/2007 Added a major new major project, Confirmed Bindings for Each Giant Title Wolansly, Peterson, Holl, Kamins
06/09/2007 Added bunch of new discoveries to Confirmed Bindings for Each Title Scot Kamins
Added link to odd binding combos from Quick Guide to Regular Binding Styles Scot Kamins, Keith
05/31/2007 Added yet another title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Krygier
05/30/2007 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Krygier
05/22/2007 Added latest sold price on an ML advertising matchbook Scot Kamins
05/17/2007 Added a major new major project, Confirmed Bindings for Each Title Krigier, Wolansly, Peterson, Holl, Kamins
Added Quick Guide to Giant Binding Styles Kamins, Holl
Added Quick Guide to Regular Dust Jacket Backs Kamins, Holl
Added Quick Guide to Giant Dust Jacket Backs Kamins, Holl
Added Website Index to make finding stuff easier Scot Kamins
05/12/2007 Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilyitch (1922?) Ron Holl
04/30/2007 Sudermann's Dame Care (1920?) Ron Holl
04/26/2007 Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge (1927?) Ron Holl
04/19/2007 Smollett's Humphr[e]y Clinker (1929 1st) Barry Neavill
Butler's Way of All Flesh (1931) Barry Neavill
04/17/2007 Schnitzler's Bertha Garlan (1923?) Scot Kamins
George's A Bed of Roses (1923?) Scot Kamins
Flaubert's Temptation of St. Anthony (1923?) Scot Kamins
Fleming's Diary (1923?) Scot Kamins
Loti's Madame Chrysantheme (1923?) Scot Kamins
D'Annunzio's The Child of Pleasure (1925) Scot Kamins
Defoe's Moll Flanders (1926 1st) Scot Kamins
04/15/2007 Restructured this Change Log page separating out the current year from previous years. Henceforth only the current year's updates & additions will be displayed, with a link to a table of updates & additions for previous years. Scot Kamins
Sophocles I (1967?) Scot Kamins
Thompson's Complete Poetical Works (1926) Scot Kamins
Fielding's Tom Jones in a red color variation (1964) Ron Holl
Chekhov's Best Plays (1969) John Krygier
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page John Wolansky
04/14/2007 Added Quick Guide to Regular DJ Backs Scot Kamins
04/08/2007 Changed old ListServ page to match instructions for using new mailing list software John Krygier
04/04/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Ibsen & Strindberg titles, completing the first pass on all titles. YAY!!! ;-} Scot Kamins
Binding 14 (1969 or 1970) of Decartes' Philosophical Writings John Peterson
Binding 14 (1969 or 1970) of Gunther's Death Be Not Proud John Peterson
04/03/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Social Science anthologies page of the Misc area Scot Kamins
04/02/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Short Stories anthologies page of the Misc area Scot Kamins
04/01/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Poetry anthologies page of the Misc area Scot Kamins
03/31/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Plays anthologies page of the Misc area Scot Kamins
Added color variation for Philosophy of Kant (1963) Scott Tilley
03/30/2007 Added color variation for Wilde's Poems and Fairy Tales (1950) Scott Tilley
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Novel & Philosophy anthologies pages of the Misc area Scot Kamins
03/28/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Unclassified Literature & Science & Mytho-Religious pages of the Misc area Scot Kamins
03/25/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Wilde through Zola Scot Kamins
03/24/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Wells through Whitman Scot Kamins
03/23/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Wallace through Weidman Scot Kamins
03/22/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Updike through Voltaire Scot Kamins
03/21/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Tolstoy through Twain Scot Kamins
Barry Neavill's index to authors of introductions in the regular Modern Library and Modern Library Giants through 1985 Barry Neavill
03/20/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Tacitus through Thurber Scot Kamins
03/19/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Stone through Symonds (except Strindberg becasue I'm still researching dates) Scot Kamins
03/18/2007 Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Brian LeMasters
03/17/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Spengler through Stoker Scot Kamins
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Joe Hill
03/16/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Schulberg through Spark Scot Kamins
03/14/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Saltus through Schreiner Scot Kamins
03/12/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Roth through Salinger Scot Kamins
Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page Henry Toledano
03/11/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Rabelais through Rostand Scot Kamins
03/10/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Porter through Pynchon Scot Kamins
03/09/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Plato through Pope Scot Kamins
03/08/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Paine through Petronius Scot Kamins
03/07/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Murasaki through Ouida Scot Kamins
Contemporary Science (1921) Scot Kamins
03/06/2007 Added 1929 catalog images and note Sharon Biederman
Added new title to the Buckrams Spotted page Benj. Clark
03/05/2007 Moliere's Plays Scot Kamins
Moliere's Eight Plays Scot Kamins
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Moliere through Morrison Scot Kamins
03/04/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Meredith through Milton Scot Kamins
03/02/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Mann through Mencken Scot Kamins
02/27/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Machiavelli through Malthus + Maupassant (don't ask) Scot Kamins
02/25/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Livy through Lundberg Scot Kamins
02/18/2007 Schopenhauer's Studies in Pessimism (1927?) John Krygier
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Lamb through Lewisohn Scot Kamins
02/14/2007 Added new FAQ question: Which Do I Believe When The Guide & ModernLib Are in Conflict? Scot Kamins
02/13/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Keats through Kuprin Scot Kamins
02/11/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Jefferson through Kant Scot Kamins
02/10/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Huxley through Jeffers (except Ibsen because he's so damned complicated and I haven't figured out how to structure him yet) Scot Kamins
02/07/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Hesse through Huneker Scot Kamins
Howell's A Hazard of New Fortunes (1917) Alan Oestreich
02/03/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Hecht through Hersey Scot Kamins
02/02/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Hackett through Hearn Scot Kamins
02/01/2007 Added full view of not-so-unique Ten Days that Shook the World DJ John Peterson
Douglas' South Wind (1925) Ron Holl
01/31/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Gautier through Gunther Scot Kamins
01/29/2007 Added full view of unique Karamazov DJ (image on front, spine, & back) John Peterson
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Fielding through Frost Scot Kamins
01/28/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Faber through Feuchtwanger Scot Kamins
01/27/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Du Maurier through Euripides Scot Kamins
Numerous updates - do a search on Jan 27 2007 Scot Kamins
01/26/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Dowson through Dreiser Scot Kamins
Added price info to Book Prices Drawn From Catalogs Scot Kamins
01/24/2007 Added FAQ item "How Reliable Is the Info in ModernLib?" Scot Kamins
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Dos Passos through Douglas Scot Kamins
01/23/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Descartes through Donne Scot Kamins
01/22/2007 Added defintion for "frontispiece" in several places Scott Tilley
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for D'Annunzio through Defoe Scot Kamins
01/21/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Conrad through Cummings Scot Kamins
Numerous updates entered over several days - do a search on Jan 2007 Scot Kamins
01/20/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Chesterton through Collins Scot Kamins
01/19/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Chandler through Chekhov Scot Kamins
01/18/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Casnova through Cervantes Scot Kamins
01/17/2007 Added new titles to the Buckrams Spotted page J. Wolansky, B. Clark
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Canfield through Carroll Scot Kamins
Added new category (Chidren/Adolescents) to Genre index Scot Kamins
01/16/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Butler through Camus Scot Kamins
Discovered variaton of Byron's Selected Poetry calling for a new Toledano # Scot Kamins
Faulkner's Two Novels (1948) Mark Suchanek
Franklin's Autobiography (1963) Mark Suchanek
01/15/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Boswell through Burke Scot Kamins
Boccaccio's The Decameron (1958) Mark Suchanek
Crane's Red Badge of Courage (1967) Mark Suchanek
Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefied (1955) Mark Suchanek
Five Great Modern Irish Plays (1966) Mark Suchanek
Wilde's Dorian Gray/De Profundis (1958) Mark Suchanek
Van Loon's Ancient Man (1923) Scot Kamins
01/14/2007 Added change to Guide Updates page: First spine of Triumph of Death = #2 Ron Holl
Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for Bacon through Boethius Scot Kamins
Created a bulletin page explaining the new Book Notes Project Scot Kamins
01/13/2007 Updated/created Book Notes in expanded format for all A authors Scot Kamins
Spent the last week creating the material for the Toledano Collection Auction. This material may come down on the 20th at the end of tha auction, or it might stay up as resource material. Perhaps it will move to Amenities – who can know these things?
Scot Kamins
Created an article out of the 1939 BOMC brochure advertising ML titles as bonuses for paying in advance John Peterson