Modern Library Buckrams Actually Seen

Send additions or corrections to the editor.

This list consists of Buckram bound Modern Library (aka "Gibraltar Binding") titles that have been seen or are owned by Modern Library collectors on the MODLIB discussion list. The impetus for creating the list was a question from a Mailing List member regarding the seeming scarcity of buckram bound titles.

An interesting result of this survey is discovering that some buckrams do state "FMLED," and a few omit the ML number and 'Buckram Reinforced' from the book spine.

Owners or spotters of particular buckram editions are noted after each title.

For more information about buckrams, see the Buckram Editions page.


2.7 Shakespeare, Tragedies I (Brian LeMasters)
3.6 Shakespeare, Tragedies II (Henry Toledano)
4.5 Shakespeare, Comedies I (Joe Hill)
5.4 Shakespeare, Comedies II (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
6.6 Shakespeare, Histories I (Joe Hill)
8.2 Dreiser, Sister Carrie (John Wolansky)
9.1 Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra (Joe Hill)
10.3 Richardson, Clarissa (Barry Miller)
11.3 Stone, Lust For Life (John Wolansky)
12.3 Donne, Complete Poetry (KMP)
13.2 Butler, Way of All Flesh (Benjamin L. Clark)
14.2 Maugham, Best Short Stories (Scot Kamins)
15.3 Buck, The Good Earth (Bill Hornick)
17.2 Hardy, Mayor of Casterbridge (Brian LeMasters)
18.3 Misc., Best Russian Short Stories (Henry Toledano, update by Brian LeMasters)
19.3 Shaw, Four Plays (John Wolansky)
20.2 Graves, I, Claudius (John Peterson)
21.3 Turgenev, Fathers and Sons (Henry Toledano)
22.4 Bellamy, Looking Backward (Henry Toledano)
23.2 Dineson, Out of Africa (John Wolansky)
25.4 Dickinson, Selected Poems (Joe Hill)
26.3 O'Henry, Best Short Stories (Joe Hill)
27.2 Maugham, Moon & Sixpence (Buck Lawrence)
28.3 Flaubert, Madam Bovary (John Wolansky)
29.2 Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men (John Thomas)
30.3 Misc., Five Great Modern Irish Plays (Brian LeMasters)
31.2 Stoker, Dracula (John Wolansky)
33.3 Malraux, Man's Fate (Henry Toledano)
33.3 Malraux, Man's Fate (Bill Hornick, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
34.2 Conrad, Victory (Matthew Buckingham)
35.3 Hugo, Hunchback of Notre Dame (John Wolansky)
37.4 Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (original posting, update by Brian LeMasters)
38.3 Misc, Six American Plays for Today (John Wolansky)
39.4 Franklin, Autobiography (John Thomas, update by Brian LeMasters)
40.3 Gogol, Dead Souls (Richard Uqland)
41.3 Trollope, Barchester Towers and The Warden (Henry Toledano)
42.1 O'Hara, Appointment in Samarra (Scot Kamins)
43.4 Descartes, Philosophical Writings (Joe Hill, Henry Toledano)
44.1 Misc, Irish Fairy and Folktales (Scot Kamins)
46.2 Maurois, Disraeli (John Wolansky)
47.3 Voltaire, Candide And Other Writings (John Wolansky)
48.4 Capote, In Cold Blood (Ron Holl)
49.2 Symonds, The Life of Michaelangelo (Mickey Ryan)
50.6 Chekov, Stories (7.5") (Barry Miller)
51.3 Caldwell, God's Little Acre (Brian LeMasters)
53.3 Runyon, A Treasury of Damon Runyon (John Wolansky)
54.3 Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales (Henry Toledano)
55.3 Dostoyevsky, Possessed (Henry Toledano)
56.2 Longfellow, The Poems of Longfellow (Brian LeMasters)
57.4 Misc, Short Bible (Joe Hill)
58.3 Thucydides, Complete Writings (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
59.2 Proust, Swann's Way (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
60.3 Spinoza, Philosophy of Spinoza (Joe Hill)
61.2 Faulkner, Sanctuary (Joe Hill, Henry Toledano, Mickey Ryan)
61.3 Faulkner, Sanctuary (Bill Hornick)
62.2 Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth (John Wolansky)
63.2 Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class (Henry Toledano)
63.3 Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class (Brian LeMasters)
64.3 Bronte, Jane Eyre (Sharon Biederman)
65.3 Machiavelli, The Prince and Discourses (John Thomas)
66.2 Misc, Outline of Psychoanalysis (Revised) (Scot Kamins)
67.2 Odets, Six Plays of Clifford Odets (Brian LeMasters)
68.3 Lawrence, Women in Love (Henry Toledano)
69.2 Dumas, Camille (Brian LeMasters)
70.2 James, Varieties of Religious Experience (John Wolansky -- not noted in Toledano)
71.4 Boccaccio, The Decameron (Brian LeMasters)
72.3 Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Benj Clark)
74.3 Koestler, Darkness at Noon (John Thomas)
75.3 Virgil, Virgil's Works (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
76.2 Adams, Education of Henry Adams (Barry Miller, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
77.2 Louys, Aphrodite (Henry Toledano)
78.3 Moliere, Eight Plays (John Peterson)
79.1 Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (Brian LeMasters)
81.3 Nostradamus, Oracles (Joe Hill)
83.2 Wilde, Plays (John Wolansky)
84.2 Wilde, Poems and Fairy Tales (Henry Toledano)
85.3 Thurber, Thurber Carnival (Thomas Moll)
86.1 Pater, Renaissance (Scot Kamins)
87.1 Misc, Best American Humorous Short Stories (John Krygier)
88.5 Faulkner, Light in August (John Wolansky, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
89.2 Hudson, Green Mansions (Joel Setzekom)
91.4 Emerson, Selected Writings (John Wolansky)
92.4 Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (Buck Lawrence)
93.3 Hawthorne, Scarlet Letter (John Wolansky)
94.2 Misc, Eight Famous Elizabethan Plays (John Wolansky)
95.2 Ludwig, Napoleon (Barry Miller)
96.3 Freud, Interpretations of Dreams (Buck Lawrence)
98.4 Maupassant, The Best Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant (Brian LeMasters)
99.3 Kipling, Kim (Brian LeMasters)
100.4 Swift, Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings (Scott Tilley)
101.3 Comprehensive Anthology of American Poetry (John Thomas)
102.3 Forester, African Queen (Benjamin Clark)
103.1 Pepys, Samuel Pepys' Diary (John Wolansky, Scot Kamins, Henry Toledano, Mickey Ryan)
104.2 Anderson, Winesburg Ohio (Scot Kamins)
105.2 Cooper, The Pathfinder (John Wolansky)
106.2 Bronte, Wuthering Heights (John Wolansky)
107.5 James, Portrait of a Lady (Brian LeMasters)
108.3 Misc, Greeat German Short Stories (Benj Clark)
109.2 Camus, The Plague (Henry Toledano)
110.3 Dickens, David Copperfield (Henry Toledano)
111.2 O'Neill, Long Voyage Home (John Wolansky)
112.3 Shaw, The Young Lions (Brian LeMasters)
114.1 W. James, Philosophy (Joe Hill)
115.2 Steinbeck, In Dubious Battle (Mickey Ryan)
116.2 Beerbohm, Zuleika Dobson (Scot Kamins)
117.4 Fielding, Joseph Andrews (Joe Hill)
119.2 Melville, Moby Dick (spotted on the Internet by John Krygier)
120.3 Proust, The Captive (Henry Toledano, Scot Kamins, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
121.1 Hardy, Return of the Native (John Wolansky)
122.1 DeFoe, Moll Flanders (Mickey Ryan)
124.2 Joyce, Dubliners (stated FMLed, 1969) (7.5") (Brian LeMasters)
125.3 Wilde, Dorian Gray (Eric Hanson)
127.3 Misc, Twentieth-Century American Poetry (John Thomas)
128.1 Lawrence, The Rainbow (John Wolansky)
129.3 Misc, Great Spanish Stories (Scot Kamins)
130.4 Crane, Red Badge of Courage (Richard Uqland)
131.3 Thackery, Vanity Fair (Ron Holl)
132.2 Milton, Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (John Wolansky)
133.2 Misc, Medieval Romances (Brian LeMasters)
134.2 Meredith, Ordeal of Richard Feverel (Joe Hill, John Wolansky, Scot Kamins)
137.1 Russell, Selected Papers (Ron Holl)
138.1 Merejkowski, Romance of Leonardo DaVinci (John Wolansky)
139.4 The Federalist (John Wolansky)
140.1 Renan, Life of Jesus (Henry Toledano)
141.2 Horace, Complete Works (Richard Uqland)
143.2 Dumas, Three Musketeers (Brian LeMasters)
144.2 Misc, Fourteen Great Detective Stories (John Wolansky)
145.2 Aleichem, Selected Stories (Joe Hill)
146.2 O'Neill, Three Plays (Buck Lawrence)
147.2 Stern, Tristram Shandy (John Wolansky)
149.2 Misc, Making of Man (John Wolansky, Scot Kamins)
150.3 Cellini, Autobiography (Joe Hill, John Wolansky, Scot Kamins)
151.2 Dostoyevsky, Brothers Karamazov (Buck Lawrence)
152.2 Misc, An Outline of Abnormal Psychology (Brian LeMasters)
153.2 Plato, Republic (Brian LeMasters)
154.1 Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac (John Wolansky, John Krygier)
155.3 Thoreau, Walden (Eric Hanson)
156.2 Da Vinci, Notebooks (Tara R. Alemany)
157.1 Stendahl's The Red And The Black (John Wolansky)
159.1 Smollett, Humphry Clinker (Henry Toledano)
160.2 Auden, Selected Poetry (John Peterson, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
161.2 Chaucer Canterbury Tales (Barry Miller)
162.3 Twain, Connecticut Yankee (Joe Hill)
163.3 Haggard, She and King Solomon's Mines (Henry Toledano)
164.3 Pascal, Pensees (John Wolansky, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
166.3 Homer, The Iliad (Buck Lawrence)
167.3 Homer, Odyssey (Henry Toledano)
169.1 James, Turn of the Screw (Henry Toledano)
171.2 Chekhov, Best Plays (Eric Hanson)
172.1 Proust, Within a Budding Grove (Henry Toledano)
173.2 Dewey, Human Nature and Conduct (John Wolansky, update by Brian LeMasters)
175.4 Faulkner, Go Down Moses (Henry Toledano, update by Brian LeMasters)
176.1 Maugham, Of Human Bondage (John Wolansky)
177.2 Goethe, Faust (Brian LeMasters, Bill Hornick)
179.1 Young, Medici (Scot Kamins)
180.1 Huxley, Point Counter Point (John Wolansky)
181.1 Plato, Works of Plato (Scot Kamins)
182.2 Marquand, The Late George Apley (Mike Sefton)
183.3 Misc, Making of Society (Revised) (Richard Uqland)
184.1 Bennett, Old Wives Tale (Amy Comeau)
185.2 Fielding, Tom Jones (Joe Hill)
186.1 Conrad, Lord Jim (Henry Toledano)
187.2 Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury (Henry Toledano)
187.3 Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury/As I Lay Dying (Henry Toledano)
188.1 Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars (John Wolansky, Scot Kamins)
189.3 Dickens, Tale of Two Cities (John Wolansky)
190.3 Vasari, Lives...Painters...Sculpters (Henry Toledano)
192.2 Emerson, Journals (Joe Hill)
193.1 Balzac, Droll Stories (Benjamin Clark)
194.1 Corneille and Racine, Six Plays (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins, Henry Toledano)
195.2 Byron, Selected Poetry (Henry Toledano)
196.1 Polo, Travels of Marco Polo (Brian LeMasters)
197.1 Wells, Tono Bungay (Joe Hill)
198.2 Browning, Selected Poetry (Joe Hill, Henry Toledano)
199.2 Dostoyevski, Crime and Punishment (Joe Hill, Henry Toledano, Mickey Ryan)
201.1 Burton, Arabian Nights (John Wolansky)
203.2 Misc, The Greek Poets (Mickey Ryan)
204.1 Dickens, Pickwick Papers (Brian LeMasters)
206.2 Doyle, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Scot Kamins)
207.2 Zimmern, Greek Commonwealth (John Wolansky)
208.2 Dante, The Divine Comedy (Eric Hanson) (Bill Hornick, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
210.1 France, Penguin Island (Henry Toledano)
211.3 O'Hara, Selected Short Stories (Richard Uqland, Scot Kamins)
212.1 Strachey, Eminent Victorians (John Wolansky)
212.1 Strachey, Eminent Victorians ((Bill Hornick, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
213.1 Proust, Guermantes Way (Joe Hill, Mickey Ryan)
214.1 Cummings, Enormous Room (Amy Comeau)
215.2 Reed, Ten Days the Shook the World (Scot Kamins)
216.1 Steinbeck, Tortilla Flat (Brian LeMasters)
217.2 Misc, Latin Poets (Scot Kamins)
218.2 Montaigne, Selected Essays (Eric Hanson)
219.1 Webb, Precious Bane (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
220.1 Proust, Cities of the Plain (spotted on the Internet by John Krygier)
222.1 Tacitus, Complete Works (Richard Uqland, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
223.2 Hellman, Six Plays (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
224.1 Misc, Eighteenth Century Plays (Joe Hill, Mickey Ryan)
225.3 Wiedeman, I Can Get it for you Wholesale (Henry Toledano)
226.1 Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy (Brian LeMasters)
227.1 DuMaurier, Rebecca (seen by John Krygier)
228.1 Aristotle, Politics (Joe Hill)
229.1 Wharton, Age of Innocence (Brian LeMasters)
230.2 Tennyson, Selected Poetry (Joe Hill)
231.1 Bergson, Creative Evolution (Scot Kamins)
232.1 Palgraves, Golden Treasury (Benjamin Clark)
233.1: Kaufmann/Hart, Six Plays (Buck Lawrence)
234.2 Jefferson, Life and Selected Writings (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
235.3 Nevis and Commager, Short History, New Enlarged Edition (John Thomas)
236.2 Dana, Two Years Before the Mast (Scot Kamins)
237.1 Parker, Collected Poetry (Eric Hanson, no "Buckram Reinforced" on the spine)
238.1 Misc., Great Tales of the American West (Buck Lawrence)
239.2 Hegel, Philosophy (Barry Miller, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine, update by Brian LeMasters)
240.1 Irving, Selected Writings (Henry Toledano)
241.2 Burk, Life and Works of Beethoven (Joe Hill)
243.1 Rousseau, Confessions (Joe Hill)
244.1 H. James, Wings of the Dove (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
245.2 Balzac, Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet (Joe Hill)
246.2 Aristotle, Rhetoric and Poetics (Joe Hill)
247.1 Perelman, Best of Perelman (Henry Toledano)
248.1 Aristotle, Introduction (John Wolansky)
249.1 Caldwell, Tobacco Road (Brian LeMasters)
252.1 Lewis, Dodsworth (John Wolansky)
253.2 Meredith, The Egoist (spotted on the Internet by John Krygier)
255.1 Herodotus, The Persian Wars (Scot Kamins)
256.2 Bacon, Selected Writings (Henry Toledano)
257.2 Pope, Selected Works (John Krygier, Barry Miller)
258.3 Misc, New Voices in the American Theatre (Joe Hill, Mickey Ryan)
259.1 Aquinas, Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Bill Hornick)
260.1 Proust, The Sweet Cheat Gone (spotted on the Internet by John Krygier)
261.1 Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin (Ron Holl
262.1 Laotse, The Wisdom of Laotse (Brian LeMasters)
263.1 Augustine, Confessions (John Wolansky, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
264.2 Austen, Pride and Prejudice/Sense and Sensibility (Brian LeMasters)
265.1 Hackett, Personal History of Henry the Eighth (Scot Kamins)
266.1 Kant, Philosophy (John Wolansky)
267.1 Parkman, Oregon Trail (John Wolansky)
268.1 Wordsworth, Selected Poetry (Joe Hill)
269.1 James, Washington Square (Ron Holl)
270.1 Maugham, Cakes and Ale (Henry Toledano)
272.1 Cicero, The Basic Works of Cicero (Brian LeMasters)
273.1 Keats, Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Joe Hill)
274.1 Shelley, Selected Poetry (Joe Hill)
275.1 Conrad, Nostromo (Aaron Henton)
276.1 Misc, Six Modern American Plays (Joe Hill)
277.1 Howell, Rise of Silas Lapham (John Wolansky)
278.1 Proust, Past Recaptured (Joe Hill)
279.1 Coleridge, Selected Poetry and Prose
280.1 Saki, Short Stories Henry Toledano)
281.1 Schulberg, What Makes Sammy Run (John Krygier, Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
282.1 Boswell, Life of Samuel Johnson (Eric Hanson)
283.1 Kafka, Selected Stories (John Wolansky)
284.1 Porter, Flowering Judas (Brian LeMasters) - 7.5" tall!
285.1 Blake, Selected Poetry and Prose (Mickey Ryan, No number on spine)
286.1 Gunther, Death Be Not Proud (Amy Comeau) [+ 1 noted with no number on spine by Buck Lawrence]
287.1 Misc, Restoraton Plays (John Myers)
288.1 Misc, Anthology of Irish Literture (Joe Hill)
291.1 Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield (Richard Uqland, Scot Kamins)
293.1 Dostoevsky, Best Short Stories (Joe Hill)
294.1 B. Shaw, Saint Joan/Major Barbara/Androcles (Henry Toledano)
295.1 Caesar, Gallic Wars and other writings (Brian LeMasters)
296.1 Michener, Selected Writings (John Krygier)
297.1 Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (Barry Bronson)
298.1 Frank, Diary (John Wolansky)
299.1 Balzac, Cousin Bette (seen by Matthew Buckingham)
300.1 Jung, Basic Writings of Carl Jung (Brian LeMasters)
301.1 Salinger, Nine Stories (John Wolansky) - not noted in Toledano, plus a binding error - Salinger binding holds Cicero book block!
303.1 Kierkegaard, Kierkegaard Anthology (Henry Toledano)
305.1 Ibsen, Six Plays (Henry Toledano)
306.1 Confucius, Wisdom of Confucious (Joe Hill)
307.1 Ibsen, Wild Duck and Other Plays (Joe Hill)
308.1 Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (Eric Hanson)
309.1 Malthus, On Population (John Peterson)
310.1 Aeschylus, Complete Greek Tragedies I (Scot Kamins, neither "Buckram Reinforced" nor number on spine)
311.1 Aeschylus, Complete Greek Tragedies II (Joe Hill)
312.1 Sophocles, Complete Greek Tragedies III (Henry Toledano)
314.1 Euripides, Complete Greek Tragedies V (Brian LeMasters)
316.1 Euripides, Complete Greek Tragedies VII (Brian LeMasters)
317.1 Malamud, Two Novels (Toby Levy)
318.1 Kafka, The Trial (7.5") (Mickey Ryan, Brian LeMasters)
322.1 Mill, Philosophy (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins, Henry Toledano)
324.1 Faulkner, Selected Short Stories (Henry Toledano)
328.1 Hersey, Hiroshima (Richard Uqland)
329.1 Hart, Act One (Brian LeMasters)
332.1 Stein, Selected Writings (Joe Hill)
333.1 Lawrence, Sons and Lovers (Henry Toledano)
334.1 Hesse, Steppenwolf (Brian LeMasters)
335.1 Sartre, Age of Reason (Scot Kamins, Aaron Henton)
337.1 Misc, Roman Comedies (Henry Toledano)
338.1 Ellison, Invisible Man (Joe Hill)
339.1 Camus, Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (Mickey Ryan)
340.1 Hume, Philosophy (Joe Hill, Scot Kamins)
341.1 Misc, Twenty German Poets (Richard Uqland, Scot Kamins)
342.1 O'Neill, Ah, Wilderness (Barry Miller)
343.1 Nash, Verses From 1929 On (Brian LeMasters)
345.1 Misc, Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age (Cary Renfro)
346.1 Tolstoy, Short Stories (Richard Uqland)
347.1 Tolstoy, Selected Essays (Barry Miller)
348.1 Dewey, John Dewey on Education (Richard Uqland)
349.1 Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942 (stated First Modern Library Edition, 1965, Brian LeMasters)
351.1 Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust (Henry Toledano)
352.1 Camus, The Fall/Exile and The Kingdom (Brian LeMasters)
353.1 Capote, Selected Writings (Brian LeMasters)
354.1 Tolstoy, Short Novels volume 1 (Scot Kamins)
357.1 Updike, Poorhouse Fair and Rabbit, Run (Richard Uqland, plus Bill Hornick stated "First Modern Library Edition 1965")
359.1 Michelangelo, Complete Poems (Richard Uqland, plus Bill Hornick stated "First Modern Library Edition 1965")
360.1 Mann, Confessions of Felix Krull (Joe Hill, John Wolansky, stated 'FMLED')
361.1 Tolstoy, Short Stories volume 2 (Scot Kamins, stated 'FMLED')
367.1 Tolstoy, Short Novels volume 2 (John Wolansky, John Thomas, stated 'FMLED')
388.1 Kafka, The Castle (Modern Library Edition, February 1969) (Brian LeMasters)
396.1 Styron, Confessions Of Nat Turner (First Modern Library Edition, February 1970) (Brian LeMasters) - 7.5" tall


1.1 Tolstoy, War And Peace (Brian LeMasters)
3.1 Hugo, Les Miserables (John Wolansky)
4.1 Complete Poems of Keats and Shelley (John Wolansky)
5.1 Plutarch, Plutarch's Lives (seen by Mickey Ryan)
6.2 Gibbon, Decline & Fall Vol. 1 (Amy Comeau)
7.2 Gibbon, Decline & Fall Vol. II (Benj Clark)
8.2 Gibbon, Decline & Fall Vol. III (Amy Comeau)
9.3 Misc, Great Voices of the Reformation (Henry Toledano)
10.1 Misc, Twelve Famous Plays of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (John Peterson)
11.1 James, Short Stories (Mickey Ryan)
12.1 Scott, Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe, Kenilworth (Eric Hanson)
13.2 Carlyle, French Revolution (John Krygier)
14.1 Bulfinch, Bulfinch's Mythology (seen by Mickey Ryan)
15.1 Cervantes, Don Quixote (with the illustrations, not noted in Toledano-- Brian LeMasters)
15.2 Cervantes, Don Quixote (Henry Toledano)
16.2 Misc, European Philosophers (Benj Clark)
17.1 Browning, Poems and Plays of Robert Browning (John Wolansky)
18.2 Ibsen, Eleven Plays (Scot Kamins)
19.2 Homer, Complete Works Bill Hornick)
20.2 Lincoln, Life & Writings (John Wolansky)
21.2 Misc, Sixteen Famous American Plays (Eric Hanson)
22.3 Misc, Thirty Famous One-Act Plays (Henry Toledano)
23.1 Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (John Wolansky)
23.2 Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (Henry Toledano, Amy Comeau)
24.1 Lamb, Complete Works (Henry Toledano)
25.1 Gilbert & Sullivan, Complete Plays (Bill Hornick)
26.1 Marx, Capital (seen by Krygier)
27.1 Darwin, Origin of Species (Brian LeMasters)
28.1 Carroll, Complete Works (John Wolansky)
29.1 Prescott, Conquest of Mexico and Conquest of Peru (Brian LeMasters)
30.1 Myers, History of the Great American Fortunes (Buck Lawrence)
31.2 Misc, Famous Science Fiction Stories (seen by John Wolansky)
32.1 Smith, Wealth of Nations (Joel Setzekorn)
33.1 Collins, Woman in White (John Wolansky)
34.1 Nietzsche, Philosophy (John Wolansky)
35.1 Bury, History of Greece (Henry Toledano)
37.1 Hawthorne, Complete Novels andSelected Tales (Bill Hornick)
38.2 Murasaki, Tale of Genji (John Wolansky, stated 'FMLED')
39.1 Freud, Basic Writings (John Krigier)
40.1 Poe, Complete Tales and Poems (John Wolansky)
41.1 Farrell, Studs Lonigan (Barry Miller)
45.2 Misc, Stoic & Epicuran Philosophers (Henry Toledano)
46.2 Misc, New Anthology of Modern Poetery (Benjamin Clark)
47.1 Misc, English Philosophers From Bacon... (Barry Miller, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
48.1 Misc, Metropolitan Opera Guide (John Wolansky, Neither 'Buckram Reinforced' nor number on spine)
50.1 Whitman, Leaves of Grass (Henry Toledano)
52.2 Joyce, Ulysses (Henry Toledano)
53.1 Sue, Wandering Jew (John Wolansky)
54.2 Misc, Anthology of Famous British Stories (Brian LeMasters)
55.1 O'Neill, Nine Plays (John Wolansky)
56.1 Misc, Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey (Henry Toledano)
56.2 Misc, Wisdom of Catholicism (George Lynch)
57.2 Melville, Selected Writings (Bill DiBenedetto)
58.2 Austin, Complete Novels (Brian LeMasters)
59.2 Misc, Wisdom of China and India (John Wolansky)
60.1 Dostoyevsky, The Idiot (Henry Toledano)
62.1 Pushkin, Poems, Prose, and Plays (John Wolansky)
63.1 Misc, Sixteen Famous British Plays (Anthony Pertusi)
64.2 Misc, Abraham Lincoln, A Biography (Henry Toledano, Amy Comeau; also Bill Hornick, stated "First Modern Library Edition, 1968)
65.1 Rabelais, Complete Works (John Wolansky)
66.1 Misc, Three Famous Murder Novels (John Wolansky)
67.2 Misc, Anth. of Famous English and American Poetry (J. Krygier, S. Kamins) (not noted in ML Price Guide)
68.1 Paine/Fast, Selected Work of Thomas Paine (Scot Kamins)
69.1 Misc, 101 Years Entertainment (John Wolansky)
70.1 Donne/Blake, Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (Barry Miller)
71.1 Misc, Sixteen Famous European Plays (Benj Clark)
72.1 Misc, Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural (Bill Hornick)
74.1 Augustine, City of God (Brian LeMasters)
75.1 Stevenson, Selected Writings (John Wolansky)
76.1 Tales of Grimm and Anderson (John Wolansky)
77.1 Misc, Anthology of Famous American Stories (John Wolansky)
78.1 Holmes, Mind and Faith of Justice Homles (Mickey Ryan)
79.1 Misc, Wisdom of Israel (Richard Uqland)
81.1 Misc, Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor (John Peterson)
82.1 Faulkner, Faulkner Reader (Henry Toledano)
84.1 Mann, Stories of Three Decades (John Wolansky)
85.1 Misc, Great Ages & Ideas of the Jewish People (Amy Comeau)
86.1 Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago (Henry Toledano)
87.1 Misc, Medieval Epics (Barry Miller)
88.1 O'Hara, 49 Stories (Barry Miller)
93.1 Misc, Parodies (Bill Hornick, stated "First Modern Library Edition, September 1968")
99.1 Olmsted, Cotton Kingdom (Mickey Ryan) (stated 'FMLED'; not noted in ML Price Guide)
100.1 Lewis, Children of Sanchez (Henry Toledano)

1920s Buckrams

1.1 Wilde, Picture of Dorian Gray (Brian LeMasters)
3.2 Cellini, The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (Darrell Johnson)
5.3 Douglas, South Wind (Brian LeMasters)
6.1 Ibsen, Three Plays (John Wolansky)
9.1 Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra (Buck Lawrence)
14.1 Meredith, Diana of the Crossways (John Thomas)
18.1 Misc, Best Russian Short Stories (Scot Kamins)
22.1 France, The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard (Darrell Johnson)
30.2 Beebe, Jungle Peace (John Wolansky)
73.1 Misc, Best Ghost Stories (Brian LeMasters)
79.1 Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass and The Hunting of the Snark (Brian LeMasters)
83.1 Wilde, Salome and Other Plays (Darrell Johnson)
101.2 Misc, American Poetry 1671-1928 (stated 'FMLED') (Scot Kamins)
106.1 Bronte, Wuthering Heights (Brian LeMasters)
119.1 Melville, Moby Dick (John Wolansky)
121.1 Hardy, Return of the Native (John Thomas)
123.1 Lewisohn, Up Stream (John Thomas)
132.1 Schreiner, Story of an African Farm (Amy Comeau)
134.1 Meredith, Ordeal of Richard Feverel (Amy Comeau)
138.1 Merejekowski, Romance of Leonardo DaVinci (John Wolansky)
147.1 Sterne's Tristram Shandy (John Wolansky)
151.1 Dostoyevsky, Brothers Karamazov (stated FMLED, John Thomas)