Danish |
Dutch |
French |
German |
Italian |
Norwegian |
Russian |
Spanish |
Swedish |
Yiddish |
Kierkegaard Anthology | Kierkegaard |
Diary of A Young Girl | Frank |
20 German Poets | Misc |
Anatol and Other Plays | Schnitzler |
Bertha Garlan | Schnitzler |
Buddenbrooks | Mann |
Castle | Kafka |
Confessions of Felix Krull | Mann |
Dame Care | Sudermann |
Doctor Faustus | Mann |
Faust | Goethe |
Forty Days of Musa Dagh | Werfel |
Great German Short Novels & Stories | Misc |
Heretic of Soana | Hauptmann |
Jörn Uhl | Frenssen |
Magic Mountain | Mann |
Power | Feuchtwanger |
Reigen and Other Plays | Schnitzler |
Selected Stories | Kafka |
Song of Songs | Sudermann |
Steppenwolf | Hesse |
Mann [G] |
Trial | Kafka |
Decameron | Boccaccio |
Child of Pleasure | D'Annunzio |
Divine Comedy | Dante [R] [P] [I] |
Flame of Life | D'Annunzio |
Maidens of the Rocks | D'Annunzio |
Stories of Modern Italy | Misc |
Triumph of Death | D'Annunzio |
Cabin | Ibanez |
Cervantes [R] [I] [G] |
Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age | Misc |
Great Spanish Stories | Misc |
Barabbas | Lagerkvist [P] |
Married | Strindberg |
Married and Miss Julie | Strindberg |
Miss Julie and Other Plays | Strindberg |
Plays of Strindberg Vol I | Strindberg |
Selected Stories | Sholom Aleichem |
Selected Short Stories | Singer |