B1 - In broad use through at least 1967, with the spine based on regular binding style 8
B2 - Verified by back-of-book catalogs from both 1963 and Spring 1965, the spine style corresponds to the one on regular binding style 10. Note the lack of a series number and the usual legend "BUCKRAM REINFORCED" at the base of the spine, as well as the lack of a background field for the title.
B3(a) - Generally used in 1964 and beyond, the style of the spine is like a combination of style 8 and style 11.
B3(b) - The same as B3(a) except for the style of the spine torchbearer logo.
B4 - Just one report of this one -- a confirmed Fujita buckram, with a written note inside dating the printing to 1968.
BG1(a) - This style was used extensively for the buckram giants. It looks quite a bit like the standard giant G5 style except for the "BUCKRAM REINFORCED" statement and the icon used on the front panel. The spine logo has the same background color as the title/name panel above it, while the front panel logo uses the main cover color as its background. Note the full left-streaming flame above the torchbearers' heads.
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BG1(b) - Both the spine and front cover logos have the left arm down, and the flame is long & horizontal. This type dates to Spring, 1964.
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BG1(c) - Both the spine and front cover logos have the left hand pointing up. This example is from the Fall of 1963.
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BG1(d) - The spine has a torchbearer with the left hand pointing up and the front panel shows the torchbearer with the left arm and hand down.
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BG1(e ) - Both the spine and front cover logos have the left arm bent inward, and the flame is short & vertical. This example is from the Fall of 1963.
BG2 - Like the B2 style in the regular-sized buckrams, this one lacks a series number and the usual legend "BUCKRAM REINFORCED" at the base of the spine. Also like B2, there are no contrasting colors anywhere.
ML used the same torchbearers as BG1, but they reversed where they appear.
BG3 - Only one of this type has been reported (this one with a Giants catalog in the back dating to Fall 1963). With the spine icon showing a short horizontal flame with no oval and the front icon showing a vertical flame within an oval, both with bent right arms, this icon combo is similar to B3(b) above.
BG4 - This one dates to no earlier than 1968, given the date of the publication of the title. With icons like the G7, it's the only one the contributor (Amy Comeau, an ML specialist and bookseller for many years) has seen.
BG5 - This one has to be 1969, given the publication date of The Cotton Kingdom. The logo combination seems to be unique -- a late Fujita logo on the spine and a 1967-era logo on the front. Also note the text on the spine -- the editor is listed along with the author, another unique element. Thanks to John Wolansky for submitting this one and to Bill Hornick for confirming it.